ABitOfVittleThe Owl's Rebuke
In the early hours of Serenity, whilst the flames of resent and pain still linger. While the threats of the outside, and fears within; fester like a rot, a Cowpoke made his way to the square. The air is heavy with uncertainty. Morale flickers like a dying candle.

Three of Serenity's best lay dead, whilst another is ravaged beyond belief. Truly, half-the-man that he was. Even with the prosthetics, the Klein was not the man he was. No longer, so fast. No longer, so quick-witted. Dour, and dreary--caught in the same miasmic dread that overtook many.

But, this day was different. As, in the square of Serenity; the Cowpoke would speak. Not on the painful past, nor on the uncertain present. But, upon the hopeful future.

Quote:"I almost died. Arguably, I should be dead. My body was brought to a desecrated spot, amidst those sands. My wounds, ought of left me nothing more then a foot note. I couldn't even bear witness to the valiant effort of those many brave souls in th'north. And honestly? I feel ashamed of such. That I could not stand with them. That I could not bleed beside them. That I could not shoulder their burdens, together."

Upon that Field. I failed my duty.

"I ask myself, still, now. Why do I still live? Why was I saved? Why do my lungs yet-work, why do I yet find the strength to hobble in these arcanium limbs? Why was I one of the few to see the next sunrise, after that dreary night? Why am I alive?"

I still don't know the answer. Why fate's path had been orchestrated so, that I made it out. That I can still see some future, on the horizon. That my heart still beats and my blood still bleeds crimson for my home. Why, am I alive, Serenity?"

Because my duty is not yet-finished."

At this time, the Cowpoke unveils a certain concotion--
White Oil.
Of which, the Klein partakes...as the scars seared upon him, all-but-vanish. As the cane used to hobble him into the square is dropped, and his limbs seem to return; fueled by the divine energies of the Aetherblossom. It's a miraculous--once in a lifetime Second Chance. One the Cowpoke does not waste as his words grow hearkened with fervency. Now standing on his own two feet.

Quote:I yet live, by the Grace of Rued Silvanas, and now? I yet hold the potential to fight again--by the Grace of the rightful heir, Daire Silvanas. By their name, has my duty been allowed to continue. And by their name, am I goin' to keep fighting!! 

Our duty remains, even when those who gave it to us do not.
We exterminate the Fel.
We stand against that which goes Bump in th'Night.
And we stand as a Bulwark of the West, even when our legs have grown tired.
We have not failed. And we ain't Finished!
So stand, Serenity. For our duty yet-calls to us.
And the Sage has blood to pay for.

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