Harbor[Draconis Chromatica - The Dance of Creation and Chaos]
This is a document related to the Faith called Draconis Chromatica for Eternia 4- Chronicles of Meranthe. It is to be used as a guide to the IC Faith, as an introduction, and to keep your knowledge refreshed in regards to it if you forget it after learning through IC.

[The basis for this 'Lore' is the already written tale in the Myths, IC knowledge gathered during events, and some creative freedom]

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Draconis Chromatica

The Draconis Chromatica  is a faith moved towards guiding Man and Drakan through their path, using the Four Divine as a compass through the difficulties found in each. The faith is made to assure the faithful that there are many ways to achieve greatness, be it as a warrior or otherwise. One is considered 'ascended' once they earn their wings. 

To struggle is to prove yourself worthy.

  Who are the Four Divine Creators?

  • Every follower should seek to know the tale of each Divine and the Dance of Creation. To know the Elder Dragons is to know your path and the expectations it will bring to you. A follower who chooses to worship one Divine but completely neglects the others can be seen as a heretic by some, as such is seen as a disrespect to the faith and the Dragon's Balance.
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'A image of Aelfdyr, the First, breathing fire unto his siblings'

  Aeldfyr, The First

  • The first to awake. The one to Create the star Fyr with his fire breath. Aeldyfir was the Dragon who created the light that settles the beginning and end of days, such awakened his siblings for together they would start the dance of creation. Aeldyfir was the one to judge which of the Dragons would awake, and so did all that were under the light. Awoken by the light of the angels, he is the Forger of Starts alongside Fahldrex. A guide, a Judge a force that decides what is and what isn’t. Many followers of Aeldfyr strive for perfection, their sense to always walk towards growth and to become a better, or stronger version of themselves is continuous. while many of them choose to be zealots, some more extreme than others, how they perceive this perfection however, is normally a personal choice of the worshipper. 
  Fahldrex, The Sculptor
  • As the second to awake, Fahldrex is one of the Pillars of creation, his power Created the world as we know and shaped not only Eternia but many other Celestial Bodies—the one to bring shape and a body to this realm and to many others. The ones under his watch are judged with an iron Fist, as from the power of the Earth one can Create but also Destroy. It's common to the followers of Fahldrex to adhere the ideal of Redemption of the Divine. One always can be redeemed, be it through suffering and service or be it through death. Fahldrex is also commonly used as 'Patron' by many cosmic magi, for the creation of the celestial bodies.

  Nyssa, The Weaver
  • The one who, along with Alacritas, wove the Lifestream, creating the very source of mana, and to where the Souls go to be cleansed, being one of the Pillars of Life, everything that carries magic, mana, and a Soul carries a small piece of Nyssa’s power, for she is the one who shared it with Eternia. Most of Nyssa's worshippers move between a peaceful and a warring place, from appreciating and ackowledging the small and delicate things in life, to defend it fiercily. The protection of the Lifestream and of all things that cares for it is the duty of any who choose the path of Nyssa and no corruption should be tolerated.

  Saewylm, The Flux 
  • The Bringer of Life. Saewylm moved their power, bringing clouds, making rain during endless times, forming the oceans and rivers, the bloodstream of the World. With the power of Saewylm, plants and life forms had the source to grow, move, and evolve. Saewyml represents Life and starts, being a guardian of such, and with Nyssa, a piece that connects all things together. To woship Saewylm is to acknowledge the importance of Life, is to know that every being deserves it and must live it, however, it is also to know that some, at some point, become undeserving of such gift and of what runs in their veins. Many who worship saewylm appreciate life and freedom, the unstoppable force of the waters and it's eternal Flux.  
[Image: pyvdckwdrvy.png]
'A imagem of Fahldrex, the Sculptor, forging the stars'

The Dance of Colors and Creation

First, there was naught. A hollow space of White and Black made by Angel and Akuma. Nothing, but two colors and an empty canvas. Something that needed to be filled by something, someone, but who? Creatures, figures of great power and presence. And those rested under the white light, creatures of large wings, scales that brought color, and large bodies that represented their might. In Red, Green, Blue, and Grey, the dragons found themselves in a deep slumber, unable to awaken, unable to create, yet, they were graced by the light, and from that, the First Dragon awoke.
Aeldfyr was the First. 
He flew through the emptiness of the cosmos, a place that needed to be shaped and formed, yet Aeldfyr knew that alone his power wouldn’t bring the best to the creation. Awoken by the White lights of the Angels, his form would always seek the Purest and Perfect things, away from the influence of Akuma. But there also laid something where Darkness and light met, that gray spot a dragon slept distant from the others, and the one who only sought perfection shook it’s head, for the Dragon was already touched by Darkness, and as such should not have part of creation to keep it’s balance.
That way, returning to his point of origin, the Divine Dragon Aeldfyr would concentrate his power. And in a wave of fire, might, and light, he exhaled warmth unto his siblings, the burst of Fire forged Fyr, a beacon of light and heat, the indicator of the start and end of the day. While Fyr is in the sky, these would be hours of work, and when Fyr sets down, it would be time for rest for then comes darkness.
And so, they rose. Fahldrex, Nyssa, Saewylm. 
As One, they initiated The Dance of Creation.
Then, Fahldrex brought shape, and the manifestation of His Power was the expansion of creation, Earth made itself present, stones, valleys, hills and mountains rose from the swing of his wings and the blow of his force. The sky, once an emptiness of Black and White, slowly shone, when Aeldfyr brought Light and Fahldrex brought form to the celestial bodies. Their power. Together, formed much more than what today is called ‘stars’, but they forged everything.
But such, was naught but the start of a festival of color and power, a mission that would take time and yet would be the most gracious thing ever created, the canvas no longer built only by white and black.

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'A image of Nyssa, the Weaver, breating mana into the lifestream'

Nyssa flew across the skies, her claws grasped onto the fabric of reality with care, and her power was traced and braided onto it, weaving the Lifestream into reality, bringing to reality mana and souls, vessels of life and great power, alongside Alacritas, each piece of their work was delicate and immaculate, a path that one could travel to, cords and lines to be read and admired, a great piece of art among many.

A place of travel and purification, from where many would come from, and many would return to.

Finally, the last piece was brought. Crossing the endless space, Saewylm brought the clouds, swimming through the white immensity, they brought the rain, and for days, water fell from the skies, forming the veins of the world, under the Earth, and above it. Oceans formed storming and raging, but as well the calm rivers and lakes, Life came, and with its growth, more could rise, and from what would come to fall eventually, something new would appear. Such was life's cycle, the movement, always flowing and running with the waters, washing away the old while bringing the new.

And so, what Is and what Isn’t was settled. The Dance of Creation. Where the power of the Four Clashed, mixed and danced with each other, forming new shapes of magic, new variations of power, and new movements to their powerful essence.
[Image: l4necq8m6m4.png]
'An image of Saewylm, The Flux swimming through the clouds'
The Fight against Chaos
However, their Dance didn’t go undisturbed… For what Lurks in the dark eventually, finds its way to the light, to extend its force, to drag their creations into perdition. In midst of all that was created, a force raised, few to none know from where it came, only that this being sought for nothing but Chaos. A force of Havoc so natural and strong as the Dragons, yet, it was far from being so pure, far from looking for perfection, it looked to destroy and to break. The Balance was too delicate and it knew it.

That being was named many things, but the first was Ba’al, and he brought what for him lacked on this creation, disturbance, the Balance was finally uneven as the creations started to break, be corrupted, and the Four Dragon’s work started to collapse. The presence of Ba’al was so strong, that effortlessly, it brought to existence a constant… Despair itself, Hel, came to be from the being’s actions. But the Four would not let it be like that, they would not simply watch as their creations were destroyed.

And once again, the light and darkness clashed in a battle, Angels, Akuma, Ba’al and the Four. Many infer that many of the magics that exist nowadays, such as variations of the Four main elements and more, came to be from that battle and how the power of the four and many others mixed in one. But such battle didn’t last for an eternity, no. When all four combined their strength to create one more think. Chaos itself fell for their Order, and in a prison of stone, magic and light the being was locked.

That night, the Moon was created, what would lock away one of the most terrible things to come to exist, and to bring light to the night, as a beacon for many.

However, the consequences of Ba’als actions did not end there, the destruction was already done, but the creation wasn’t lost, no, much remained, it just needed to be fixed a little, but with Hel, now Moros wandering the world, it made Eternia a terribly dangerous place. Even more, when Moros found a point where Light met Darkness and created a shadow of grey, where a Dragon laid asleep through all that happened, bathed in the fragments of Ba’al, and then on Moros’ essence, being awakened by such.

Felfyfraxes found a world he didn’t knew, a creation that he took no part on, and being touched not only by Darkness but by despair itself, Jealousy and Greed took over the Dragon, and enraged he joined Moros, becoming one of the Marquis of Hel, and making one of the goals of his existence to ruin the creations of the Four, Cursing the beings made on their image.

And Drakans.

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'Felfyfraxes, corrupted by the Darkness and Moros' power.'

Their blood forever stained by the power of Felfyfraxes, for Greed and Pride they would live to tempt Dragons and Drakans to want everything, all power and riches they could have and Take from each other. But it is believed that to dive into the pits of perdition is but a choice, a willing path that one cannot be fully forced to, and to escape it, a Drakan should  take action and leave by themselves, and the ones who are out of that path, are responsible to help and assist others through many means necessary.

The Great Division

Such a curse upon their creation sewed a small division between the Four. Aeldfyr knew that the choice of not awakening Felfyfraxes was wrong and came back for them with terrible consequences, but as a powerful being illuminated by the angels, He knew that the touch of a being such as the Black Dragon could have unpredictable consequences on the creation, and with the Darkness of Akuma still lurking about they could not take the risk. And Nyssa, as the creator of the Pure Lifestream knew that the touch of Felfyfraxes upon her creation would have damaged it in ways that maybe she could not fix, could as well, forever trouble the souls that crossed it.

While Fahldrex disagreed, many problems could’ve been avoided if the Dragon was guided through the process, watched closely and given a chance, even if now the Gray Dragon agreed that there could be chances of a mistake, but certainly nothing unfixable. And as well, Saewylm did not see a reason to private a life from opportunities, the Blue Dragon believed that the Black Dragon had his chance of freedom like all of them before waking up. But now. All four new. It was too late.

For a chance. And for Felfyfraxes.

They could only know that the Dragon’s Blessings would never allow the curse to take over the Drakans completely, only, if they allowed it.

From that on, the Four got to an Agreement. All beings were deserving of a chance, however, such was not to be given twice, one must to prove themselves worthy of being in touch of forces of the Four, and to truly Redeem, once must Struggle, Suffer, or Die, the Divines must see their effort, to truly be seen as worthy.

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To Become a Priest:

For one to become a Priest or a messenger of the Four, is necessary the approval of the Herald or of the current Priests of the Faith, when they acknowledge that one already know enough about the Four and of the Draconis Chromatica to be able to teach and preach about such, the future Priest, the current Herald and a group of faithful and close friends, must dive into a place where one can connect the most with the element of the Divine of choice, where the to-be priest will enter in contact with it, be it painful or not. It is common to spill blood or to be burned in the Ritual.


Love and possession are two things that are supported by the Draconis Chromatica. A marriage between two Drakans or two people that are under this faith is a contract of Loyalty and Possession, by exchanging parts of each other’s hoards, they symbolize the act of belonging to each other, with a promise of protection, where betrayal is dealt with death. Depending on the couple, a trial of battle may happen during the ceremony, where it can either scar the partner as their alliance, shedding blood together, or to settle the role of  the strongest.


Among many of the punishments, Death is one reserved for traitors and all of those who had their being stained by the Fel, or were caught in the Fallen Dragon’s schemes. The Death Ritual is made for cleansing and erasing, where the criminal is burnt to ashes by Dragon Fire, burning away their sins and sending their soul to a new beginning, or, to the next punishments, but once it is done, their crimes on this place are forgiven, and they are not to return.

To Become a Drakanite

The path to change yourself into a Drakanite is a difficult but rewarding one, despite rarely occurring, this ritual requires many steps and months to happen, such as preparation of body, mind and spirit for the changes, acceptance, both Inner and from the Divines, for is one of them who will bless the chosen human to be as the first Drakanites were. Such then changes the person completely, giving them all that Drakans have, both good and bad, making them a pure Drakanite.

Now, thank you for reading!

I'd like to thank Lief, Prego, and all Players of Dragon's Nest for helping me and keeping me motivation!

And give credit to One Brain Cell, writer of the Felfyfraxes' lore, that I took some inspiration on.
Any doubts or Suggestions, just dm: Harbor67
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Quetzalcoatl, ‘The Sky’, joint herald of Nyssa and Saewylm, is a draconic symbol in the Draconis Chromatica religion. With a long, serpentine body covered in luxurious feathers, Quetzalcoatl is said to circle the planet, bringing winds and clouds in his wake. The great sky serpent serves to protect the world from destruction, carefully weaving the sky to ensure that the sun does not burn it to a crisp, stirring clouds so that life may flourish, and that better days may lie ahead.

[Image: qetzl.png]

When Nyssa was weaving the lifestream, the first soul to be passed through its graces would become Quetzalcoatl. After many cycles of heroic devotion to his people, he was chosen to represent the divine defender of life, and the thereafter.

The first storm was conjured by Lord Quetzalcoatl when he experienced a profound anger that he could not express. Upon learning that he could not extinguish all that threatened the lifestream and the natural order, he created a storm so powerful it covered the whole planet. From there, his devout Storm Dragons are said to have been created. Storm dragons were once common in the world, though their home was mysteriously destroyed during what could only be described by nearby sailors as a cataclysmic event at Stormheart Crescent. Few Storm Dragons remain, though they’re out there…

Worship of Quetzalcoatl demands respect be paid to both Nyssa and Saewylm. Two major principles stand out: 
Quote:Believe in the ones that believe in you.
Quote:Live a life worth living.

Followers of Quetzalcoatl are often fierce defenders of the lifestream, and tend to have a strong connection with Nyssa or Saewylm. If Nyssa and Saewylm had a drakangard, the followers of Quetzalcoatl would populate their ranks. Gehennans commonly worship him, though rituals may vary between cultures.
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