Spell Balance Suggestions
Energy Blast (or whatever the little mini-blast is)

Make it function like Plasma's beam with it frontloading its damage, doing it all at once rather than being applied like a beam. As it stands you have to get your opponent perfectly in position relative to the RPB box to get it to actually do any damage.
I can't say Sound is the most anti-melee tree in the game, myself.

All Sound has that can keep melee users at bay, is cascade (which is a difficult skill shot to land against a capable opponent that doesn't move in a predictable pattern, at least without set up)
Sound strike, which is a homing slow move that works like blood bomb or shard shot (Can miss if they walk out of range).

Sound relapse... Maybe? It heals, but it won't stop someone from still bursting you down inside of it. The confusion effect only happens at the last tick.

On the other hand, sound has abilities that rely on short ranges, where melee users can excel (or at least, trade well) against.
Cacphone requires to keep distance.
Sound burst is a close ranged damaging moves that slows.
And Sound's E, while it gives +10% dr, also pulls enemies in during it. You pull an enemy with ifrit, you are in for a bad time.

Wind overall, has better anti-melee abilities.
Only a sound user would say they're not the most Anti melee tree. And that scoming from someone, who is using the sound tree, but not for Anti melee traits. The entire tree is anti melee

A knock back, which is devastating while slowed, with insane damage.
A homing slow with the same CD as wind flurry, cost less, and does 7x the damage
A knock back slow when the melee gets close range
An E that gives them Dr, and if you're using the E, its to draw them in closer probably to stay in aoes or Something op as **** like Tornado
A aoe confuse , when paired with a slow you pretty much cant move, making it hard to land attacks, get out of mages Aoes, etc etc
A Giant aoe zoning CD waster that also heals.

How anyone defends this tree from not being the most anti melee tree, is just trying to not get nerfed. Or, and this is alot of people in the game, don't understand how the slow paced, back peddling CD wasting nature the combat is, or a mage would be using this.
Sound burst doesn't knockback, if that is what you meant by a knock back slow.
If by AoE confusion you mean Cacophone, just checked to be certain.  Seems that it does inflict confusion, though curiosly enough it happens seldomly. Only once every couple of ticks for around a second I believe? Most of the time the person was able to walk towards me without much issue, only making a couple steps to the other side once every couple of minutes.

That said:
"A knock back with insane damage" That's shockwave. Wind, not sound.
"Something op as *** like Tornado". Wind.

I did say that wind has the better anti-melee abilities, if you look at wind and sound seperately.

Edit: Was told cacophone's confusion is %chance based per tick, which fits the results I had while testing it. Not sure what the %chance is though.
'Sound burst doesnt knock back'

Pretty much made me stop reading the rest. I did, but it made me bias to anything else you have to say, if you dont know your own tree,  or how to utilize this knock back high damage (Which you can do almost twice in the duration it takes to do Shockwave, while doing more damage)

Cacphony also is 4x your damage, 10 times. Which is more than the damage of shock wave(Everyone knows shockwave is a wind ability)

You dont need shock wave t-

Ya know, Im starting to think you don't know a single thing about sound. That may not be the case, but the way you defend Sound, while unaware of its mechanics , damage, and utility. It sure looks that way.

 Really, I don't even think you're a sound user, then alot of this would make sense. And its not fair for the actual Sound users to be discredited by someone who doesnt know about the tree.
(04-23-2020, 11:20 AM)Rod Wrote: Sound is overtuned, in terms of being the most anti melee tree in the game. All the while, you still can't tell me a 'anti mage' tree.

The aura is also ****ing phenomenal. Value wise, it gives more stats probably than any other basic tree if I had to guess.

Anyways, I don't really give a **** about majority of the tree I know its not getting nerfed, I just want to use the pull more than once in a fight.

Oh. That. Yeah it is pretty anti melee because sound is all about wanting you close enough. Hence the pull. But Sake, whose melee, only Jumpy gives them any issue since she is Explosion Melee. This works well to counter us. Specially with Inferno to Repose.

And yes Sound Burst does knock back. It's a small push but trust me it sets you up.

So yes. It's pretty anti melee specially when you Pull them into Cacaphony and smack them with Strike-Burst. Add Thief and you can literally turn Cacophony on, Repose and it still going to damage and heal while you are faster and immune.

There is an anti kite. Ice frost stacks. Assuming the melee is like Asphira but like how sound is to melee? Not even close. So that we agree Rod. Sound is nasty against melee. Sound/Illusion or Sound/Gravity is -even- nastier against it.

Edit: Was trying to discuss it with you in DM but wayyyy to many Rods when I tried @
And... Checked.
What do you know, sound burst does have knock back.
A one-tile knockback though, it seems (tested on monsters). That explains why I never noticed it when it was used against me.

As for cacophone, checked too. 
10 Ticks, but it does not seem to be 4 damage per tick. Using a character without any weapon equipped, strike deals more damage, which is a 3 spell damage ability.
If I had to roughly guess? 2, or maybe 2.5 spell damage per tick? strike damage was at around 220, while cacophone damage was at around 155-165.
(04-23-2020, 11:20 AM)Rod Wrote: Sound is overtuned, in terms of being the most anti melee tree in the game. All the while, you still can't tell me a 'anti mage' tree.

The aura is also ****ing phenomenal. Value wise, it gives more stats probably than any other basic tree if I had to guess.

Anyways, I don't really give a **** about majority of the tree I know its not getting nerfed, I just want to use the pull more than once in a fight.

(04-23-2020, 01:25 PM)Detective100 Wrote: And... Checked.
What do you know, sound burst does have knock back.
A one-tile knockback though, it seems (tested on monsters). That explains why I never noticed it when it was used against me.

As for cacophone, checked too. 
10 Ticks, but it does not seem to be 4 damage per tick. Using a character without any weapon equipped, strike deals more damage, which is a 3 spell damage ability.
If I had to roughly guess? 2, or maybe 2.5 spell damage per tick? strike damage was at around 220, while cacophone damage was at around 155-165.

Mobs != Player!

In other words it hits HARDER on players. The damage is considerable and is why Rod (with good reason) states its overturned when it's fighting melee (Unless Sake but maybe they inhuman too. Hmmm...) Anyway. The thing is, it is anti melee. Very much so. Specially with Illusions multiple CC in there or Gravities own pulls.

Strike to Burst makes it easier to land. Specially on melee whose trying to move in.
Th one tile knockback Sound Burst does is crazier when you use hard pull and Cacaphony. And since Burst goes up while this is going on, you smack them again.
Cacophony doesn't even need Twister or Tornado to ruin a melee's life specially with Thief Q.

So yes. Very anti melee.
As a Caster with no sympathy for armed whatsoever, Sound is easily one of the best trees.

It's full of crowd control and good damage without being particularly expensive either, while building off wind which is its own argument to have but has very good synergy in the form of Flurry (two homing slows with Sound) Tornado (Devastating if you have a lot of cc) and Shockwave if you invest enough (Just amazing overall, now you have two high-damage knockbacks)

That's not even getting into the passive damage aoe and the heal people complain about.

I'd definitely use it, if I cared to fit it into IC and wanted to ensure a better winrate against the majority of the game (melee)

Doesn't need buffs.
i'm melee and never had a problem against sound. Your angry rants are getting boring... (edit: i'm not saying to buff the tree, I'm saying stop asking for nerfs when you lose, this comes from someone who doesn't use sound.. it's really not that hard to play against one, especially as a melee)

Now a real suggestion: 

buff the light spell (that looks like ring of malice) and ring of malice too. my bubbles, on a 8 second cooldown, deal more damage than two two spells combined (well almost)!

They're each on a 30 cooldown and their tracking is horrible. The argument to nerf those spells to the ground at the time was, (well, now block is 33%DR) but with conjurer's stance.. No seriously, I'm lucky if I deal 2k worth of damage on RoM and that is the number if they don't block and stand in place.
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