Spell Balance Suggestions
it was waaay worse when the cd was 60 but now after finding out that it's 35s...

looks around
[Image: trio.png]
(05-16-2020, 07:10 PM)Trenton Wrote: 1. mist form with a speed boost

It's not mist form, mist form also grants CC immunity, you can still be stunned/slowed/rooted etc in Shadow Walk.
(05-16-2020, 08:19 PM)Jess Wrote:
(05-16-2020, 07:10 PM)Trenton Wrote: 1. mist form with a speed boost

It's not mist form, mist form also grants CC immunity, you can still be stunned/slowed/rooted etc in Shadow Walk.
I don't think you can be slowed in Shadow Walk because of the speed boost it gives. Your initial speed change takes priority over every other until the duration expires. You can be rooted in it, not sure if you can be stunned. I think back when I used to play metal/sand, crushing iron wouldn't stun people in shadow walk. I don't really remember tbh, I could be wrong on that.

On another note, E3's homing balance is dumb, I'm glad a lot of them got shifted to linear projectiles. It just sucks how all those projectiles are still overshadowed by guaranteed damage/bonus effects of homing. Nobody ever notices though because the numbers are small :^) Just look at how much people are looking at vines now. Sure, 300 per attack isn't too cool. But when you have 3 vines charging on like a 5 sec cd, it's a lot of damage.
You can be slowed in shadow walk.. I promise.
100% Shadowwalk is NOT CC Immune.

Pre-TS, Josh and I argued on why it should become a CC immunity, since.... looks at mist form, which is public and has the cc immunity. It never happened however.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
i would sacrifice my left arm for a spell that let me block a stun spell but still get stunned if it meant i got to block the 12-48 spell damage it has the potential to deal
Shadow feels awful to fight against. I understand that's sort of the theme behind it, but it's too much.

Its immune is the best in the game because you get a speed boost to reposition 10 miles away and continue tossing homings. Couple with Thief to have 2 of those.

Shadow Claw is 7s cd and 12 damage, but unlike similar close-range options it has a very large knockback too. Difficult to punish.
Eviscerate is basically lightspeed with Shadow Claw built-in, also very difficult to punish.

The Aura's pretty good too.

While it's obviously overpowered, I'd err on the side of caution in nerfs and do two things.

1. Remove Speed Boosts from immunes. You're already getting immunity to damage, they don't need a free reset on top of that.

2. Increase Shadow Claw's cooldown so it isn't always up to counter every attempt to engage with close-ranged spells.
With respect, you're not fixing shadow with a lovetap to Shadow Walk and a touch on Shadow Claw.

Ignoring the Aura, which is still good, but isn't as grossly crazy as the rest, it's really just the ability to chain Shadow Walk into CC into Eviscerate into Thief into CC into Shadowwalk.

Eviscerate and Shadowwalk need CD hits. Shadow Claw, by comparison, at least has a drawback.
"Shadowwalk doesn't need cc immunity it has a speed boost!"
"okay but lets remove the speed boost"

If you do that, give it CC immunity.

In addition, @ Trenton: You say that but against the sand root you have to time it just right in order to not get exploded from damage. Despite having shadow walk, Notyel absolutely shredded my health with it, because I was slowed and couldn't get away in time.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
This was before thief stance milly, you have two chances for it now!

Jokes aside, I would just increase CD slightly, or something now ... I don't think the speedboost needs to be removed from shadow-walk, but maybe thief.

The fact that melees are starting to take it over the actual three melee stances is very telling of something...

My crack suggestion to rep bomb myself is to change the DR on both shadow walk and thief stance to 70% and leave them as is
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