DidosA Farewell to Dun Task.
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As many events took place in Theria, such that they affected the city in many way.. Another bad news comes up for the population..

Dun Task, the Elder of Theria had died.

This news was quickly spread to everyone in Theria, in addition to rumors that would follow around.

A funeral is being organized by the members of Fireblooded, where it will take place soon.

"Dun Task. The Elder of the Fireblooded, a friend of many in Theria and other places, have ended up perishing in combat, like a warrior that he was during all his life!
I was there in the last moments of his life, but unfortunately I was unable to do anything.. And this will probably affect me for the rest of my life..
But now, at least I want to give a proper funeral for my old friend. Those who wish to make a final gesture of respect to him are welcome to come." - Anlaufr

Until the funeral, the body will be present at Theria's temple, being cared for by members of the Fireblooded.

( The funeral will take place at 6 pm EST on Wednesday. )
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The High Priestess of the Fireblooded, Raeliana, has been found sitting within the temple with not only the body of Dun Task, but also Valero and Hades Task as well. Despite her lack of sleep, she does not leave and when asked for a statement she had the following to say:

Quote:I agree with Anlaufr that a funeral should be held - but not just for Dun. For all of them, including Pachua, even if I do not have his body. For they deserve that much.

They carried Theria's successes and failures upon their backs, and grew up here. It's the least they deserve.

It's hereby officially declared the funeral held the next day will be not just for Dun Task, but for his sons, Valero and Hades, as well as the previous Patriarch of the Fireblooded, Pachua. They all lost their lives in honorable combat so it's only fair.
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