ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: "Accelerate" skill from the 'Time' Branch of 'Illusion' Tree does not give the bonuses it describes.

(Second "Possible"(Don't know if intended) bug is also incidentally included further down in my explanation regarding "Critical" and it's increases.)

How to reproduce: Pick "Accelerate" and look at stats as well as damage outputs in field tests. 

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):

           The Skill description in game.
[Image: dVo0rDt.png]

Baseline stats.
[Image: BBia687.png]
Stats with bonus active.

[Image: 5S9266q.png]
As can be seen by the two images above, it provides +33 boost to agility. From 190 --> 223. A rise of ~17%. No bonus to critical rate is noted in stats.
Did a second test with an aura that is supposed to raise +20 Critical (Which increases agility in the stats by +10 instead of just critical rate. Unsure if this is intended or not.)(The 2nd "possible" bug I mentioned above is this.)
Baseline stats with aura.

[Image: 5DIvQOG.png]
Stats with aura and skill active.

[Image: bo9CeQa.png]

 Original description says that it gives percentile increase to both Agility and Crit. I wasn't sure if the Crit meant an increased Critical DAMAGE instead of Rate. So I did multiple damage tests to see that. Did not include pictures of these damage tests, but I DID do over 20 tests with this to be sure. It did not increase DAMAGE or RATE of Criticals at all on these tests (Checked frequency of crits as well as damage). You can test this for yourself simply enough by just looking at damage numbers on critical and seeing if it varies to any significant degree.

Conclusion: Accelerate skill gives +33 flat agility with --- NO Crit change --- (Not even from the bugged flat +33 agility). Description is heavily misleading. (Salty that I went Time tree specifically for this, but finding it doesn't work as it should lmao.)

 (If it were to give +10% agility, my 190 would have become 209 agility. If the +25% critical did also function as the flat critical from previous possible bug and just boosted agility as well, logic dictates that it would provide an additional +12.5% agility, seeing as how critical provided half it's flat value in flat agility, in the previous example. That would mean the end agility should have been: 190 --> 233(Due to stat numbers rounding up.) (Without aura on.)////////(With aura on, it should be: 200 -> 245.)(Or if +10 flat agi bug does not get included in calculations for %: 190 --> 233 + 10 = 243)

Movement of 5s works as intended. Boost time of 9s works as intended. Did stopwatch tests of these as well.

Also picture of aura used specifically.

[Image: uc8caWY.png]
whoops nvm the "whoops nvm delete this"

Describe the issue: 2v1s seemingly disable global cooldowns for both parties, which definitely look awesome but are a bug

How to reproduce: Start a 2v1 and add someone as enemy, then start the RPB

Any relevant media:

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
as noted, this is not a bug, this is intentional
(04-24-2022, 02:17 AM)Avajain Wrote: as noted, this is not a bug, this is intentional

actually- after reading the reply in the meme thread, this was indeed applied to amaranthis (the outnumbered party), but the gcde was also applied to taciturn and idola

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
now THAT part should not be happening, alright. the 1 in a 2v1 should have all spells gcde, but the 2 should not, unless that has changed since it was introduced and i missed it
Describe the issue: I realized when I logged off in the bed, well crashed rather. I had full energy, so I spent some to see if it would happen again and sure enough it did ! It seems to happen every time, and I doubt its intended!

How to reproduce: Sleep in a bed, close the game and reopen it. Not sure if its specific, but every time I did it I was facing right.
Describe the issue: You can Ingrain while Shadow Walk is active.

How to reproduce: Start Shadow Walk, after GCD, you can ingrain while invulnerable.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): N/A!

EDIT: Possibly a visual bug where shadowwalk animation doesn't end!
not sure if it belongs here but recently i had some temps removed with healing elixir and seemingly the timer stayed on them so i got notified when they would have normally healed and received the vit that i already got back until next lose
Describe the issue: Extra inventory space can be generated and used.
How to reproduce: Probably shouldn't write it here, also I haven't done extensive testing with it but I was able to generate 3 slots using the same method. Relogging returned inventory to normal.
Any relevant media: [Image: OYwxOfq.png]
[Image: oPZC0g3.jpg]
Describe the issue: Lightspeed from the light tree- When the character teleports to the target, they don't change directions to face the target.
If the character with lightspeed had his front pointing North? He'll still look to the North after teleportation, no matter on which side he teleported next to the target.
It may be minor, but it can mess some people up if they try following the teleport up if they use a move without step cast on.

How to reproduce: Have a character with Lightspeed, target either a player in an RPB or an NPC, and use the skill. The character should look at the same direction he looked at before teleportation.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):

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