ChanceBug Reports
Delphina's fort template, D-Fort.dmm has an issue with a void line below the building. You can build over it with the construction menu though so it's not a huge issue, but still something that should probably be fixed in the dmm.

[Image: g8OPlJL.png]
[Image: image.png]
Enjoy retirement, Vibe.
Issue: Some spells proc in twice the rate of others. This includes ticking faster when someone walks into them and applying effects that these slower aoes wouldn't

Steps to reproduce: Cast holy ground / corrupted land / star rain / any spell with lingering aoe damage underneath. Compare with one of the spells below, which are the ones that I tested; It's likely others show the same behavior.
  • Chrono Stasis
  • Time Jammer (the slow stacks on this one I believe, but that might have been my brain playing tricks on me)
  • Spatial Misdirection
To exemplify: gif

unsure if this is a bug or if it's intended behavior and these spells simply don't account for it in their numbers or if they're just meant to be really strong with that in mind
[Image: Fky6ssr.png]
Skurns dying don't actually deal damage to the summoner. They only do so when manually unsummoned.

[Image: OiH6fCd.gif]

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Demons cannot eat food at all - thus they do not gain even energy from it.

Steps to reproduce:
Eat food, get a system message like this:
"While the taste and texture is present, this provides no nourishment, nor does it satisfy your palate."

You get no energy & can't eat food.

PS: I do know that demons can't eat food for stats, but it's weird that they cannot eat it for energy either. However, this might still be intended (which would be weird IMO but oh well).
[Image: TfL47eY.png]
Issue: When you zoom in with pork or fire crystals on your screen, they... they rebel. They don't stay put, instead move around on the screen mysteriously.

[Image: a391cd69bc226a7d17a15e5731be16ba.png]
[Image: bd6c274b3cfa1942061e910188b09a7d.png]

How to reproduce the issue: Use the zoom function with these items on the screen. Maybe it is specific to this area, I have no clue!
[Image: c603523eebb1995b6af75201658c5a0c.gif]
(01-20-2023, 07:30 AM)Kiha Wrote: bug: using Telekinesis only ticks one instance of damage in most cases because it's knockback keeps them out of the damage hitbox, causing it to do less damage than push

how to reproduce: use telekinesis, easiest to replicate if they do not move

After additional toying with the spell: Telekinesis' stun keeps the target in front of the spell's hitbox when launched in a cardinal direction causing it to do no damage. If they hit a wall, it does do damage as for a brief moment the hitbox passes over them. This issue is not present if dash is used to launch it diagonally.

Cast telekinesis normally, and witness it do one tick of 1000 damage before gently moving them across the ground, them attempting to move does not seem to actually matter.
[Image: c603523eebb1995b6af75201658c5a0c.gif]
Bug: Yggdrasil Tree is healing everyone in the party it don't matter if someone is in vdalion and someone all the way in Final Frontier you'll get the tics.

Not sure if that's intended.

Reproduce: Get Yggdrasil Tree and form a party tell someone to run across the map and start healing them :)
*deep breaths*

The code lines to change text worked.

[Image: image.png]

But the spell still goes 3 seconds and the dr apply dont work.

.       .

Keep smiling
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Describe the issue: 
Dropping and picking up a four leaf clover can gain you a foraging level

How to reproduce:
Just do that

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

[Image: image.png]
(02-10-2023, 12:51 AM)Suwuper Wrote: Describe the issue: 
Dropping and picking up a four leaf clover can gain you a foraging level

How to reproduce:
Just do that

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

[Image: image.png]

I believe dropping and picking up any materials gathered gives you occasional foraging xp.
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