ChanceBug Reports
(05-04-2023, 07:02 PM)Lemonbird Wrote: Describe the issue: Certain lightning spells are only sometimes landing when they definitely should be; from what I've noticed already, Lightning Burst, Piercing Strike, and Bolt. Noticed this last night during sparring, chalked it up to skill issues, didn't think to clip it. Happened again today, against mobs and testing spars which leads me to reporting.

How to reproduce: Unsure, but simply use lightning burst/piercing strike/bolt in combat. It only happens rarely and without any clear reasoning, but has happened even twice in a row to me on burst. I WANT to say it could be due to the nature of the new server, characters somehow now being able to dodge these by somehow slipping out between ticks or some other nonsense like that? I have no idea, I don't make videogames, I just press buttons.

Did you check to see if the damage still went through?  Similarly, while I was trying to test what was fixed in Demonstep this time around, I noticed that Crellus were "missing" attacks due to the amount of damage taken not showing up overhead; however upon further inspection, the damage was still going through.  So rather than the bug being that spells aren't landing, the bug is that the damage number indicator no longer pops up.

To be honest, I had Flying Kick seem like it missed the other day as well, but I lost the footage for that so I could not check if the damage went through.

Describe the issue:
Damage number that appears when taking damage does not appear occasionally. (Though the damage still goes through, thankfully)

How to reproduce:
Take damage several times while also checking your amount of health to see that the damage goes while no indication of it is made overhead.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
(05-05-2023, 10:42 PM)Robo Wrote: ...

That's very helpful, thanks
Describe the issue:
Update on Demonstep.
The bug that allows for multiple castings of Demonstep before the spell goes on cooldown has been fixed. Which is good, as I no longer have to worry about activating 3x accidentally (as I usually double or triple press GCDE spells to make sure they actually activate).

However, the bugs that make Demonstep inactive until the normal cooldown has passed by either darkening the spell or faking a reset, despite negating damage, still exists, unfortunately.

While I have no true evidence for this unless I find and use precise timing tools to figure this out, I'm thinking that this happens because the delay to Demonstep still exists (delay doesn't seem to affect the immunity time, just the cooldown)

Hypothesis for Darkened Demonstep (and "Failed" Cooldown Reset, despite blocking damage) Bug
Spell actually achieves a cooldown reset but it happens before the spell actually goes on cooldown causing the darkened state when the spell actually goes on cooldown due to the general Darkened Spell Bug

  - Spell Cast / Demonstep Activation -> Demonstep goes on cooldown once the .2 second delay is over -> remaining .3 second duration
  - Spell Cast / Demonstep Activation -> Damage is blocked (.15 seconds pass) = Cooldown Reset -> Demonstep now actually goes on cooldown once the .2 second delay is over = Spell Darkens due to being used "as soon it is off cooldown"

Normally, other spells tend to darken (preventing the cooldown timer from being seen) when activated as soon as their cooldown finishes, so since the delay exists and a cooldown reset happens right before the spell goes on cooldown, it would possibly emulate when spells are cast as soon as their cooldown finishes.  Thus if true, would explain why the spell darkens.

If this is the actual explanation for why this happens (when I'm grasping at anything that might be the problem), the real culprit is that the spell has a cooldown reset before the spell goes on cooldown due to the delay, so removing the delay would remove this bug.

Hypothesis for when the Spell is Fake and Looks Fine but isn't (Blocking Damage but Failed Cooldown Reset but Spell looks fine)

I'm just assuming that somehow the delay somehow messes with the window of time where Demonstep can achieve a cooldown reset and fails to fully reset before the spell duration ends, but still manages to block damage at the final moment of its duration, causing the appearance of a cooldown reset without actually achieving one and with it needing your full cooldown time before it is usable again.
  (Is it possible that the spell blocks damage for .5 seconds but can only achieve a reset if it happens within .4 seconds?)
  (Is it possible that the spell blocks damage for .6 seconds for some reason, which is why it blocks damage but fails to reset the cooldown?)

Since it is a spell that only lasts .5 seconds, it's definitely tough to figure out what exactly is wrong with it.  So I'm just throwing ideas of what might be causing it with no concrete evidence to back it up. I just want it to be fixed at some point so that masters of Demonstep can come out of hiding.

How to reproduce:
- Successfully Demonstep and continually use it, being successful each time and trusting that the cooldown reset will happen.
- At any point, Demonstep will block damage but fail to achieve a cooldown reset, darkening or becoming "fake", where the spell will go on cooldown and won't be usable until your normal cooldown time is over.
  - Darkening possibly means that the cooldown reset happened before the spell actually went on cooldown
  - Becoming Fake possibly means that the cooldown reset was unable to finish (if that's even a thing that happens)
- Cry when the only thing holding back a possible mastery of Demonstep is a bug.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
The following video shows off the delay, the normal Darkened Bug for every spell, the Demonstep Darken Bug that fails to achieve a cooldown reset, the the Fake Demonstep Cooldown Reset Bug, and the audio of me continuing to click when Demonstep blocks damage but is actually unusable during the Fake Demonstep Cooldown Reset Bug

*Demon step not resetitng properly persists.
Sometimes work properly but eventually will "jam the spell" when you try use , im not sure but feels like dif bugs happen if you try use it still or moving.

(Tested with demon step standing still)
#Common to happen
-Spell icon shows it  reseted, Spell will count you dodged right  but cd does not reset and cd does not show up.

#Rarer to happen
(Tested with demon step standing still)
-Spell icon turn dark , does not reset, cd dont show up.

(Tested with demon step while moving)
-Spell will count you dodged right (0 show up) , but the spell dont reset and enter in cd, this one the cd shows up.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Describe the issue: {Cursed} flag doesn't work at all. Doesn't double injury durations, not sure if its supposed to be the wielder's own or the targets, but tested in both cases.

How to reproduce: Fight

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
Describe the issue:

1) Alt + Key skill bindings do not work. Binding something to Alt + Key requires a relog to make it work. You also cannot assign anything else to the assigned key (without alt), making it redundant in the first place.

2) Special characters, such as a backtick (`) cannot be assigned as skill bindings.

How to reproduce:

1) Set skill X to Alt + 1. Set skill Y to 1. Only one of the bindings will work, and it will require a relog.

2) Attempt to bind something as `. Nothing will happen.
Describe the issue:
Photon Ray does not always penetrate through multiple targets

How to reproduce:
Gather a group of mobs in a straight line and attempt to shoot them with a Photon Ray. It will only deal damage to some of them, seems a bit random. This can be problematic against players that use summons, as they can body block the skill.
Describe the issue:
All the Wave Blast spells are not working. Nothing comes out, no sprites, damages or etc.

How to reproduce:
I've only used this with Poison Spray and Force Wave. But I think it is the same for all spells of the Wave Blast type.
Describe the issue:
'Party Healer' from the medic tree does not appear to affect Recover.

How to reproduce:
Get the Party Healer passive. Cast Recover. 

I have Enhanced Manaflow and thus heal 10% more on myself, but my party member heals for the base amount when they should be boosted for 25% like other heals. They're supposed to heal for more than me, not less.
[Image: zde6qkf.png]
Describe issue: Enhanced kit does not give 5 experience.

Reproduce: Use.. enhanced kit on someone?

Extra: I myself used an enhanced kit on top of a normal mythril kit, so that might be why. the message that I was given however was (char name) has used a Medical Kit on (target name)

You gain 3 medical XP (Total: xx)!
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