05-20-2024, 12:24 PM
The region surrounding the Tower of Aetius has continued to flourish since the Invocation of Enarr and Gala; magical beasts of all shapes and sizes swarm the wilderness, and the flora is in a constant bloom, overtaking the small villages that once dwelt there. It is an excess of life; sightings of the flowered wolf Asena occasionally surging through the sky overhead are not uncommon, if dubiously claimed.
Yet despite its prime state, there is an ominous feeling in the air, ever since the Supreme Etriath failed to claim the Black Pearl; his own occult magic turned against him, puppeted by the False-Akuma Lirael Equisol and cast back into the shadow of the Crescent Fortress. There is a distinct, scratching feeling of decay felt by those who are attuned to the flow of the lifestream, and it all leads towards the depths of the Tower of Aetius...
What awaits there?
Rural peasantry swear that tremors in the deep west are more common, as well. Earthquakes that rattle the land with its groans are scattered across the four winds. Isolated complaints, distant from the great kingdoms of the world.
But soon a runegate will become lively within the Tower of Aetius.
And you will know about it.
[More information to follow / a sign up form once a date has been set.]