Drive,,, pyre.

Been a while, hasn't it, Ysayl?

I am holding myself together, as you wanted, but it's hard.

It's really hard.

I want to be better, for the sake of everyone.

But lately, I can not stand being around them.

I don't want to be around anyone.

I just want my bottle.

Which, I can not reach - because of you.

I will keep it away, because I know you want that much.

It's cruel, you know? Cruel to expect that of me.
When I almost.
[Image: dhhzDia.png]
I understand now, though.

How you've always put everyone first.

I understand how you felt.

Fearing for their safety.

I understand how it is.

It is a cruel world.

Don't worry.

I got it.

I always do.

I'll finish what you started.

They will not get what they want.

They will get what's coming to them.
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,,, pyre. - by Drive - 06-13-2024, 12:43 AM

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