Sunsets over MoonlightHer Children
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♎︎ - Sae - 2nd Month, 2095 AC
The following rather lengthy set of letters finds itself mostly throughout Nemea's temple and sparsely around the realm of Delphina itself as it's likely been picked up and traveled around:
Dear curious reader,
For years have I tackled ideas of purpose, ideas of belonging, ideas of faith. It has been twenty-three now, years that is, where the ideas stained my hands and slipped through my fingers and I struggled to pick them up. It has always been me and these ideas, me and these questions. No one has the answers for me and I must find them myself. I wonder if the path I'm on is true- is it wrong to have doubt? I am wrought with doubt, perhaps more than tea or the sugar of donuts. There is more doubt that blood, uncertainties in my mind that are often loud. I have been told others feel this way, too. Such feelings are not ones I suffer in silence with. I wonder then, if people know my devotion to Nemea. Writing is the only place I've ever truly felt comfortable. I feel awkward talking to new people and not intelligent enough to teach. I do not feel confident in what I know to express it as my mentor has. I've only lived for twenty-three years- after living it, I realize how short it truly is. For days to turn into months that bleed into years and years and years. Twenty-three cycles of seasons. I do not feel changed, yet I am, isn't it curious? I've thought about the impact my mentor had on me and I wonder if I've ever done the same.
Likely not.
My name is Sunsets over Moonlight. Yes, it is unique; Yes, it is long; 
Yes, I get that a lot; No, not all Faeborne are named this way. For years now, I've tried to faithfully uphold my vows and follow a spiritual path with Nemea as my guide, my light, my sky, my everything. In my mind, She is the only thing I have ever felt so certain about, the only thing I do not feel doubt in. I may doubt my worth, my character, my place- but I do not doubt my devotion to Her. It's odd, such certainty has never had purchase in my mind, yet it does here. For some time now, I've kept watch of the people who come in and out of my life. Unfortunately, many have been under a scrutinizing, skeptic lens. Wary of their legitimacy, their truth... but I have been looking out for someone as my mentor did me. I feel compelled, even though I am far too young, far too inexperience, far too naive, to impart what little I know to another. Deep, my connection to Nemea spiritually. I watch over Her temple, safeguard Her message, and devote myself to Her as wholly as I can. I've never expected much, just Her embrace as Her child. I've never had a mother, only Her. I imagine many aren't aware. So often now are these truths about me forgotten: I am a healer, I am an author, I am a holy mage, I am a champion, and I-
Am Radiant in Her love and glow.
[Image: bdc0512004ac528dc45e2b29200dd699.png] 
My favorite part about Delphina is the lack in structure for such worship. I am no leader, we have no church, and I am no one particularly special... but I can potentially be a guide and mentor should anyone feel a little lost as to where to start. My faith in Her is all I'm sure in. I hope this letter finds who it should, and if it's no one, then I will live and walk as I had. It is my promise to my people and to Nemea that I will carve a path forward to Elfame, land of the butterfly's last flight, when others could not. Decades in the making, it will be my greatest act of devotion to Her, and I hope others feel their faith renewed, feel their faith challenged.
Maybe it is lofty and ambitious, but it is something I am wholly prepared to fail at should that be the case. Thank you again for reading and I truly hope this reaches those who are ready to embark on such a journey. My mentor, King Camino de Caewynn, is often so occupied with his role and duty to our people and Nemea. Parts of me hope I can ease the pressure just a bit... I am not as learned as he and his [de facto] duties are not something I could ever replace. I am here, as always, should you have faith in me; We are Her children after all.
Sunsets over Moonlight
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Her Children - by Sunsets over Moonlight - 12-05-2023, 08:28 PM
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Holy Teachings | Nemea - by ry0un0suke - 06-06-2024, 05:04 AM
Winter Rites | Temple Cleansing - by ry0un0suke - 06-16-2024, 05:11 AM

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