MillyShadow Spell Ideas
Hi guys! Shadow is a cool, thematic spell tree but right now it lacks spells! I know Chance has said they're in the works, but here are some of the ideas I just thought up myself:

1) Shadow Wave - This could be like the similar fire wave spell, with black spell tiles instead. Perhaps it could have an effect, perhaps not. 

2) Shadow Clone - Similar to Illusion's clone spell, only this summons a clone that looks as if they're permanently in shadow walk. It summons 2 clones instead of 1. (It needs to be cool since you're spending close to 90 RPP to get to just Shadow Claw itself, come on)

3) Shadow AoE - A nightmare AoE that when you walk on it, it fades you out of sight and you occasionally pop back in. Think of how Nightmare Familiar was back in Spires, how it would fade from sight and pop back up to attack, etc.

4) Aura - This one I'm not too sure on what stats it would give, but one cool mechanic would be a click teleport special.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
A few of these are already planned for part two of the spell expansion
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