ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Spike Trap only deals 4SD instead of the advertised 7SD.
[Image: 254d08c5bb.gif][Image: c53a00e4e3.png]

[Image: unknown.png]
Describe the issue: Pyroclasm does not do 7.5sd as advertised, it instead seems to do 7 ticks of 1sd damage after hitting, which appears more like DoT effect rather than the initial hit damage. The charge-up also seems to be 5 seconds instead of 0.5 seconds as advertised in the recent change in #game-changelog.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: c865f76fdf.gif][Image: 774970dada.png][Image: d7d382018b.png]

Describe the issue: Explosive Minefield does 1.25sd instead of the advertised 3sd, or even the 2sd from last change to the spell in #game-changelog. The damage also seems to be normal-type instead of fire-type.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: 680e3778ea.gif][Image: 5c39d7effe.png]

[Image: unknown.png]
Describe the issue: Plasma Leap's damage is 2sd instead of 7sd. The spell itself doesn't do damage as far as I know.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: 85780e57fe.gif][Image: 7b872b0152.png]

[Image: unknown.png]
Describe the issue: Flux does not deal any damage if there is no difference in mana between you and your opponent. (The dummy has 153 mana, I checked.) Instead, it gets put on cooldown. It should deal at least the advertised 6sd as a base value.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: fe4d288639.gif]

Describe the issue: Holy Ground deals 5sd instead of 6sd (as advertised). This also happens with Occult's counterpart.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: e371d89c0c.gif][Image: 00a27941b3.png]

[Image: unknown.png]
titan fist is doing illusion damage, and yes, is not doing the damage it supposed to (not scaling with physical)
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Describe the issue: Starlight Overdrive is kind of killing a few spells and making them just not come out at all. An example here is meteor. 
Note: Normal Meteor works just fine, its the Starlight Overdrive version that's broken.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
Describe the issue: Unreality Veils, click tp doesn't work.

How to reproduce: Use the aura and attempt to click tp. Space bar tp works though and everything else seems fine.
Issue: Buying or trading eggs results in the eggs going rotten after a short duration.

I bought 20-25 eggs today from a stall, and I just looked and they're all rotten.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Issue: Spell points lost

How to reproduce: Preview a spell, then drink a mana amnesia, then learn the spell you previewed before the preview timer expires. It will take the skill away, and you'll be missing the spell points you spent for the spell.
Describe the issue: Abyss Pool deals 4SD instead of the advertised 5SD.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: 31f621e596.gif][Image: 620d62db99.png]

Describe the issue: Taking from a stack of high quality ingredients will remove the high quality from the item.

How to reproduce:
This, so far, I've only found working with taking items from a chest instead of dropping them.

1. Locate your high quality ingredients.
2. Take a portion of the ingredients, not the full stack. This works either with only 1 or n-1. If you take the full stack, it will be high quality.
3. Watch as the ingredient(s) become normal quality yet again.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):
[Image: c5e1005e76.gif]

[Image: unknown.png]
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