ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Deadlies do not count towards a second mastery token.

How to reproduce: Reach RPL 210 with a mixture of dangers/deadlies and not specifically 10 dangers.
[Image: corpoggo.png]
(09-16-2022, 01:05 PM)QuietTheMind Wrote: Describe the issue: Deadlies do not count towards a second mastery token.

How to reproduce: Reach RPL 210 with a mixture of dangers/deadlies and not specifically 10 dangers.

[Image: be69185e319cf927c8756ab0a9eb81fb.png]

Mine did. Maybe something in one of the recent updates stopped it from working?
(09-16-2022, 04:12 PM)AmazinPew Wrote:
(09-16-2022, 01:05 PM)QuietTheMind Wrote: Describe the issue: Deadlies do not count towards a second mastery token.

How to reproduce: Reach RPL 210 with a mixture of dangers/deadlies and not specifically 10 dangers.

[Image: be69185e319cf927c8756ab0a9eb81fb.png]

Mine did. Maybe something in one of the recent updates stopped it from working?

[Image: unknown.png]

Yeah, no mastery token here. =/
Describe the issue: Custom Props are being placed invisible?

How to reproduce: Upload a custom prop, I guess? Two attempts now have resulted in invisible sprites. Both DMI and PNG. I have just been using normal methods from before the big ""optimization""

Any relevant media: 

[Image: d8HPsVk.png]
[Image: dOmPfIR.png]
Describe the Issue:

Every time there's a server reboot, my home's interior gets reset.

How to reproduce:

No bloody idea. According to other people I've spoken to it doesn't happen to them.

Relevant media:

[Image: unknown.png]

My IC roomie redecorated it yesterday, and I got this screenshot at 1:20ish AM my time yesterday.

It's now today, 10:16 AM and this is what it looks like now.

[Image: 278e08e94621c5b60fcd62fd96e19ff9.png]

Note: This has happened every reboot since creating the place.

Also, I've noticed that the rent of a house that's made in the wild never goes down. Is that intentional?
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Describe the issue:

Whims of Wind has an extended hitbox that hits behind it, making it an unintentionally extremely good zoning tool.

How to reproduce:
Cast Whims of Wind
Have your enemy dodge it, then chase you from behind the Whims of Wind projectile.
Whims of Wind will then cause damage to them despite the wind not hitting them.
(09-05-2022, 05:24 PM)Detective100 Wrote:
(08-23-2022, 11:45 AM)8245R Wrote: Describe the issue:
Explosive Minefield's orbs get 'consumed' when they collide with mobs not a part of the RPB.
This means the spell is very ineffective in fights with a lot of spectators (e.g. raids) because the orbs will act as if they've landed on an opponent when they connect with the outside mobs and disappear.
(this also happens outside of RPBs with any player mob consuming the orbs, which doesn't matter much but thought it'd be worth noting)

How to reproduce:
- Fight with a lot of spectators.
- Use Explosive Minefield.
- Watch half your orbs vanish on contact with the Z fighters observing Cell caving your head in because you just lost your peel.

Hi. I'll just like to point out that this issue is still a thing. I dread the day I'll fight in an important danger/deadly with too many witnesses standing at the edges, eating away all my mines.

Been a while! Posting again to say the bug is still happening *sadface*.

The bug:
Describe the issue:
Explosive Minefield's orbs get 'consumed' when they collide with mobs not a part of the RPB.
This means the spell is very ineffective in fights with a lot of spectators (e.g. raids) because the orbs will act as if they've landed on an opponent when they connect with the outside mobs and disappear.
(this also happens outside of RPBs with any player mob consuming the orbs, which doesn't matter much but thought it'd be worth noting)
How to reproduce:
- Fight with a lot of spectators.
- Use Explosive Minefield.
- Watch half your orbs vanish on contact with the Z fighters observing Cell caving your head in because you just lost your peel.
Describe the issue: Certain transitory water tiles cannot be walked upon by neither sirenians nor humans (probably)
How to reproduce: Go to - for example - 340,417,1. Attempt to walk upon the semi-submerged tiles. Cry as you cannot.
Relevant media:

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
(09-19-2022, 07:30 AM)1r5 Wrote: Describe the issue: Certain transitory water tiles cannot be walked upon by neither sirenians nor humans (probably)
How to reproduce: Go to - for example - 340,417,1. Attempt to walk upon the semi-submerged tiles. Cry as you cannot.
Relevant media:

If that is is the area with a small island with two palms and a reagent spot, next that island that have a arcno…the lizard NPC, then it’s intended, boat doesn’t have access to it either. You have to jump from the island next to it.
[Image: sparklegif.gif?ex=668de131&is=668c8fb1&h...b5d0b2872&]
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