ChanceBug Reports
Describe the issue: Acid Spray from Poison Magic does not work.

How to reproduce: Just by using it, and nothing- not even damage or sprite- will come out.

Additional Information:
Plasma Leap no longer moves your character at all. You stay in place upon casting, the trail is created in front of you where you would be.

Relevant Media:
[Image: iicoMRiGFd.gif]
Flameslide consumes 20 mana instead of 10
Dour Javelin is still 2.5 SD and 11 range instead of 3 SD and 13 range
The new bag hotkey is unbound by default and can't be bound.

[Image: JYjuBup.png]

The new incense recipe currently creates a torch

[Recipe redacted, find out IC]

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Describe the issue: Demonstep's cooldown still ticks down with a successful "Parry", leading to several charges of Demonstep depending on how many Cooldown Resets you are able to achieve. From there, you can use these charges and cycle them infinitely without even needing the cooldown reset.

How to reproduce: 
1. Parry with Demonstep one or more times
2. Fail to Parry with Demonstep
3. Watch as your cooldown for Demonstep fluctuates
4. Press Demonstep when it goes off cooldown (and fail to Parry) and be amazed that it gets off cooldown early

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
Describe the issue: Sailboat cabin menu no longer appears.

How to reproduce:
1. Go to your owned boat
2. Press X and immediately board with no menu popup for the cabin
3. Weep when it doesnt work
Bug: Demonstep is broken... The CD just jumps all over the place, and maybe its not working as intended? I sat in someone AOE and it still went into cd?

How to reproduce: Use the spell you'll overlook it and say nah... I don't need this.
(04-27-2023, 07:42 PM)Sachiko Wrote: Bug: Demonstep is broken... The CD just jumps all over the place, and maybe its not working as intended? I sat in someone AOE and it still went into cd?

How to reproduce: Use the spell you'll overlook it and say nah... I don't need this.

More information such as a video would be helpful.
(04-27-2023, 05:03 PM)akemimera Wrote: Describe the issue: Sailboat cabin menu no longer appears.

How to reproduce:
1. Go to your owned boat
2. Press X and immediately board with no menu popup for the cabin
3. Weep when it doesnt work

It's left-click now, but there's a bug fix for this tomorrow morning.
(04-27-2023, 04:55 PM)Robo Wrote: Describe the issue: Demonstep's cooldown still ticks down with a successful "Parry", leading to several charges of Demonstep depending on how many Cooldown Resets you are able to achieve. From there, you can use these charges and cycle them infinitely without even needing the cooldown reset.

How to reproduce: 
1. Parry with Demonstep one or more times
2. Fail to Parry with Demonstep
3. Watch as your cooldown for Demonstep fluctuates
4. Press Demonstep when it goes off cooldown (and fail to Parry) and be amazed that it gets off cooldown early

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

Ooh, thank you.
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