ChanceBug Reports
Enarr passive does not snare.

How to reproduce, use spells until the nephilim passive activates. The damage tick goes through, but there's no snare. Also, the block state makes the crown misalign to the left.
Chicken's do not live to their proper 'expiration date'.
A chicken I had was meant to live until mid august.
Today I realized she is gone (Goodbye the OG Cluckbrey, I will miss you)

However also I'm not sure if the reboot did this or what - but there was no body to slaughter, and so therefore no chance to make chicken! There also wasn't an option to pre-emptively slaughter it either.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Drak wings! Since the topic is (was) up, I thought it would be good to know which wings are bugged.

Great Shift (Horns out of the body)
[Image: image.png]

Shadow Wings. (Horns out of the body)
[Image: image.png]

Metal wings. (Wings and horns out of the body, not usable)(help please)
(No screenshot)

Wind Wings (I've seen some with legs and arms out of the body, it's just a bit weird)
(No screenshot, yet.)

Neutral, cosmic, ice, lightning, occult, and fire wings seem to be working fine.
I noticed it somehow wasn't reported yet, so I'm posting here:

Describe the issue: Disarm doesn't work on stances that don't let you mechanically unequip a weapon while they're active, such as any of the armed basic stances or some of the master stances like dexterity.

How to reproduce: Have Disarm, and have an opponent that has both Garuda and Dexterity. Have the opponent turn on Garuda, then try to use disarm on them in a fight. The weapon doesn't get disarmed and it doesn't drop on the ground. Have the opponent switch to the Dexterity stance to repeat the test with Disarm, and the same issue repeats.
the Dal'Thala merchants are gone...

this has been fixed
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Thinking shows up in ctrl right click history. It should probably be like whispers where they do not.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
My weapon is missing - I didn't drop it (Checked logs), and my inventory wasn't even full. I was wearing my fishing rod (renamed as a Bokken for training), and it was just, gone when I logged in today. I have heard this happening once before.

It's a very dear weapon to me, like my child. Very proud of it. So this is


(08-01-2023, 04:05 PM)Frozen Heart Wrote:
(07-31-2023, 10:35 AM)Moonlight Wrote: Describe the issue: Was asked to report it, but unsure what the bug is exactly. Randomly when I log in an equipped Item from my inventory disappears. There's no log of me dropping them, and as far as I'm aware people can't take items without capping you. The issue seems to be just isolated to me but suppose it's logged now in-case anyone else experiences it. So far I've lost two weapons, and now an Arcanium Amulet.
How to reproduce: I'm not sure how to replicate it as it's not consistent and doesn't occur every-time I relog so it's difficult to note when and how it happens. I'll have to take screen shots before I log out or something.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Screen-shot of randomly missing Amulet.

[Image: 0197b55e31739384d9478b759b605b0c.png]

I had something like this happen to me before. I relogged and my sword was missing, it wasn't equipped or anything like that and I hadn't noticed it until about five minutes later when I returned to the square and someone mentioned it having been dropped in LOOC. Not sure what the cause was either.
This! This happened! Wait, does this mean someone has my sword??
[Image: Sig3.png]
(08-04-2023, 11:16 PM)Heimdalic_Dreams Wrote: My weapon is missing - I didn't drop it (Checked logs), and my inventory wasn't even full. I was wearing my fishing rod (renamed as a Bokken for training), and it was just, gone when I logged in today. I have heard this happening once before.

It's a very dear weapon to me, like my child. Very proud of it. So this is


(08-01-2023, 04:05 PM)Frozen Heart Wrote:
(07-31-2023, 10:35 AM)Moonlight Wrote: Describe the issue: Was asked to report it, but unsure what the bug is exactly. Randomly when I log in an equipped Item from my inventory disappears. There's no log of me dropping them, and as far as I'm aware people can't take items without capping you. The issue seems to be just isolated to me but suppose it's logged now in-case anyone else experiences it. So far I've lost two weapons, and now an Arcanium Amulet.
How to reproduce: I'm not sure how to replicate it as it's not consistent and doesn't occur every-time I relog so it's difficult to note when and how it happens. I'll have to take screen shots before I log out or something.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Screen-shot of randomly missing Amulet.

[Image: 0197b55e31739384d9478b759b605b0c.png]

I had something like this happen to me before. I relogged and my sword was missing, it wasn't equipped or anything like that and I hadn't noticed it until about five minutes later when I returned to the square and someone mentioned it having been dropped in LOOC. Not sure what the cause was either.
This! This happened! Wait, does this mean someone has my sword??

I'll bet i know what happened. I just logged in and the game THREW my Wheat onto the floor out of my inventory. I recieved this message. If I wasn't paying attention I wouldn't of noticed.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
(08-04-2023, 11:16 PM)Heimdalic_Dreams Wrote: My weapon is missing - I didn't drop it (Checked logs), and my inventory wasn't even full. I was wearing my fishing rod (renamed as a Bokken for training), and it was just, gone when I logged in today. I have heard this happening once before.

It's a very dear weapon to me, like my child. Very proud of it. So this is


(08-01-2023, 04:05 PM)Frozen Heart Wrote:
(07-31-2023, 10:35 AM)Moonlight Wrote: Describe the issue: Was asked to report it, but unsure what the bug is exactly. Randomly when I log in an equipped Item from my inventory disappears. There's no log of me dropping them, and as far as I'm aware people can't take items without capping you. The issue seems to be just isolated to me but suppose it's logged now in-case anyone else experiences it. So far I've lost two weapons, and now an Arcanium Amulet.
How to reproduce: I'm not sure how to replicate it as it's not consistent and doesn't occur every-time I relog so it's difficult to note when and how it happens. I'll have to take screen shots before I log out or something.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Screen-shot of randomly missing Amulet.

[Image: 0197b55e31739384d9478b759b605b0c.png]

I had something like this happen to me before. I relogged and my sword was missing, it wasn't equipped or anything like that and I hadn't noticed it until about five minutes later when I returned to the square and someone mentioned it having been dropped in LOOC. Not sure what the cause was either.
This! This happened! Wait, does this mean someone has my sword??

This happened to me too! I lost my sword very recently! I was doing an RP in my apartment though, so it's not like it dropped in the area! It just... IS GONE! I was missing an inventory slot afterwards!
The think command can be ctrl+clicked and seen like say RP or a red text.

Plz fix if it is a bug. Though /private does resolve that issue.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
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