ChanceBug Reports
(11-20-2023, 02:37 PM)Galion Wrote: [Image: JmTpQme7N7.png?ex=656de406&is=655b6f06&h...437caa92d&]

This does not currently reduce Crafting Tier costs. (Bought a tier of alchemy and it ate up 2 spell points.)

bumping this up

also isnt working on the Vitality one either
Describe the issue: crystal shard doesn't seem to have its element set correctly

How to reproduce: powerdown to 100 with earthpow, test the spell then powerdown to 100 without earthpow and test the spell. same dmg.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc):  the dmg on it also has a white number, which usually (?) means that the element isn't set, i believe
(10-19-2023, 05:23 PM)Detective100 Wrote: Describe the issue: Limit breaker Meteor - The tooltip say it'll become oversized and have its damaged increased by 50%. The damage increase isn't happening however, and while the sprite of the ball gets larger? The hitbox remains the same.
The meteor gets some more range at least, so there's at least that.

How to reproduce:
Buy inivigorate and meteor. Test meteor with no charge to see the damage ticks. Then use invigorate to reach limit break, use meteor while in limit break, and compare damage ticks.
For hitbox size, hit the testing dummy without targetting it so that the meteor will go in a straight line. Compare how far off sideways your character can be before the meteor fails to hit the target (both in testing appear to have a 3-tile width to them)
For range, hit the meteor point blank on a testing dummy to see how far it gets knocked back. Compare the range between regular meteor to limit break meteor.

I am putting the latter quote here because I am not sure if this was fixed yet. Moreover, I found another issue.

Describe the issue: Limit breaker MeteorThe hitbox, which is currently 3x3, is off centered. Instead of staying in the middle where it is supposed to be, it is one tile off to the south.

How to reproduce:
Get invigorate and meteor, and a dummy set. Put three dummies side by side so that they'll form a vertical line, and position yourself so that the meteor will hit the dummy at the center while moving at a direct line. Reach limit break with invigorate and then activate meteor. Watch as only the middle and bottom dummy are hit while the top one doesn't.

Do the same test again, but this time position yourself so that the meteor will hit the upper dummy while walking in a direct line. Reach limit breaker, activate meteor, and watch as this time all the dummies get hit. (you can do the test by targeting the middle dummy or not, both options will give the same result)

Quick note: This test is meant to be done by aiming to the east or west. If you'll do the test by aiming north or south, it'll be more difficult to spot the issue.
Describe the issue: Mapped appartements do not allow influence's gains, even inside a settlement.

Bonus issue : placed appartements inside buildings do not grant you influence, even if the parent building can provide you influence.
How to reproduce:
Tests done in the appartement at the Final Frontier [150,902,1]

  1. RP in the overworld map, get influence.
  2. Enter one of the mapped appartements that you own.
  3. RP in the appartement, do not get influence.
Actually this also means you can not earn influence in the Vault either since it's mapped.

Tests done this time with a building inside the Final Frontier [174,860,1]

  1. RP in the overworld map, get influence.
  2. Enter one of the built houses placed
  3. RP inside, get influence.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 
The appartement test :
[Image: aoTKzph.png]

The built bluiding inside a settlement boundary test :
[Image: Znl2ort.png]
Describe the issue: True face still doesn't have the proper cooldown set, requiring an admin to refund the skill so you can rebuy it.

How to reproduce: Be a faceless. Try to use your racial. Be sad.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): 

The last danger / fight I used it on was on the 14th of November. I attempted to use it tonight but was hit with, "You are still recovering from your last use of this spell."
I don't know how to reproduce it, unless reboots are making it where the last used variable isn't properly saved? That's the only thing I can think of, really.
Describe the issue: Clicking 'no' on Mana Amnesia consumption results in the MA being consumed instead of aborting consumption.

How to reproduce: Consume a MA. Accidentally hit 'no'. MA vanishes into that place where socks and coins go.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): N/A
[Image: image.png?ex=657e6450&is=656bef50&hm=af0...2664586a5&][Image: image.png?ex=6580b431&is=656e3f31&hm=7c0...f542bf04e&]
Describe the Issue: Yes, so... as you can see above, there are several issues with... this.
1. I applied first aid treatment to Akroma Sun only once, which was the expert medic option for 75% reduction time. It spammed 12 times in my logs.. This was after Regalus used it maybe once or twice on her? I cannot recall the amount for sure from his healing, but it was a bit of group effort based on the context of the scene. Anyways, adding that another medic performed on her in case that could be cause for why it spams so much as it does.

2. I prayed for Akroma Sun one day, which spammed 9 times in my logs, and initiated my Luminate, Imber, on another, spammed 5 times. For what reason? I don't know, but this tends to occur in a lot of my logs that praying/initiating/healing for anyone spams multiple times.
TO ADD ON THAT ---- I did two prayers + two sanctifications two nights ago on Imber that spammed 5 times, and then another for my own child that spammed 4 times. I don't understand the random numbers, but it's a bit excessive. It's been a known issue for months now. Every prayer/heal/initiation I have ever performed does not have a single log. It is multiple instances of spam.
3. I sanctified Akroma. There is no log for sanctification in /logs. If that is intended, then I will post that in suggestions, because I feel every point of faith should be logged. Even Oath Binding gets logged, too, and that doesn't even require any cost of faith points as it does -1000 energy, which... it's supposed to be -500 according to the wiki page, not -1000. Please update if so..

How to reproduce: Pray for someone, heal someone, initiate someone and see for yourself the abundance of spam that you get as a result. That's it. I don't know how to reproduce it or what's going on with its coding to incite the spam.

Any relevant media: listed above
[Image: sab_arnet_eivor_hina.png?ex=6573e121&is=...be15bebf9&]
Describe the issue: Using a Rebirth Potion after having unlocked Holy Magic through Faith will refund everything except Holy orbs. Including Ether Attunement as well. 

How to reproduce: Unlock Holy magic via the faith mechanic in game. Then use a rebirth potion. It will refund EVERYTHING except holy orbs. 

Any relevant media: N/A! (didn't have a snap shot feature until after.)
Describe the issue: Demonic Overdrive doesn't seem to do anything.

How to Reproduce: Use Demonic Overdrive, and note how your damage reduction, delements, oelements, and power stat are all the same before and after using it.
Sending out a party invite when not in a party and having it declined puts you in a party of just yourself.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
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