Poll: Should most Tomes remain app-only?
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Yes, I think the current method is fine
21 18.42%
No, I'd like to see most tomes become available in the Tome Broker
93 81.58%
Total 114 vote(s) 100%
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Like Dimmie, I feel like Cosmic, Holy, Occult and Shadow should remain app only, though I'd also add Light to it - in addition to the first app of Holy or Cosmic.
That is an impressive vote ratio.

' Because of lore'

Let's pretend cosmic is hard to app for, or that the basis of hiding the best overall tree, is lore.

( I did it on a alt to avoid any possible biased)

5 logs, of pretending like I knew what I was talking about. The only thing tome applications check for is length of rps.

The entire tome thing is annoying. It's reasoning is to make x magic more rare and cause less battlechads, let's be honest here.

The cost of magic has made that possible, alongside making the better magics app or 120 too locked.

The tome system isn't neccecary and you special snowflakes trying to defend it , I see past your bias.
I feel like having multiple specs or having a char mix spec types needs to be apped for still. Having said that i feel like there still needs to be an attempt made to dev your powers instead of simply possesing them. However initiall attunement to magic types makes sense to provide to a player.
If everything is made public then the "basic" trees with lore implications ought to also have lifted restrictions to app, too, just a lore gatekeep. If someone knows and establishes that occult is spookum corruptive magic give them the pass, etc.

(Also make tomes consumable items that just unlocks the tree in a menu for you assuming you can buy the starter, p l s. It takes up a significant chunk of your inventory real estate and it's not like you can drop them as is.)

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Tomes added another wall of applying to delve deeper into your own fields of magic. I agree with the others that Cosmic, Occult, Holy, Shadow and Light should be behind the walls of competence and applying - The IC that comes with them should really never be neglected and shoved under - It should almost always be an integral part of who you are, at the end of the day.

Everything else, however- Should be readily available in the tome broker.
I don't know, man. Holy/Light & Occult/Shadow should be apped for but cosmic can probably also be put on the public list of tomes.

I get that it is tied to the church and is 'their' thing, but it really isn't hard to stumble upon/learn by a non-religious character, either. Look at all the various ways people developed it on spires.

free the trees, unleash the tomes
fix blood magic or just delete it
Cosmic either way needs a bit more lore scribbling, as having played a church character there are a lot of different assumptions and takes on how cosmic magic works in the first place.

We have the "they're inanimate objects part of the lifecycle you can draw power from (in general)" to "you are connected to a star from birth as part of the lifestream, it's your's and you can bolster the connection for power" to "they whisper into your ear and guide you" and etc.

All three of those have been correct at some point. All three of those can't really be correct now, particularly with a STATE RELIGION about Cosmic magic.
The cosmic should be apped because it's very closely tied with the Esshar lore of the Leonaus constellation and it's Stars, and some people go for it without even knowing a thing or two about that. So I think that one should, actually, stay behind a Lore gatekeep such as Holy, Occult, Shadow and Light, for the same reasons why we shouldn't be seeing edgy characters playing the 'kind person' while being completely fuelled by Occultic without RP'ing the implications of it whatsoever in their IC.

It's a tad bit of gatekeeping, but some things should be like that to keep at least some lore integrity for those who care about it.
i believe that the only tomes that should be applied for are:


All because of lore things involving them; everything else will be doing fine and dandy with being public...
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