Poll: Should most Tomes remain app-only?
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Yes, I think the current method is fine
21 18.42%
No, I'd like to see most tomes become available in the Tome Broker
93 81.58%
Total 114 vote(s) 100%
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What do you prefer?

For the second answer, this includes all Tomes aside from ones with heavy lore implications (such as Occult, Holy, Cosmic, Light, and Shadow).
I'd like to see more tomes available, but not just simply 'appearing' some day, I think a cool method would be perhaps if people evented for tomes to become more publicly available, or maybe even an app where a group of mentors for a specific tree come together to create and mass produce tomes.
Man, I just want to dick around with/be able to actually use time or illusion or gravity or w/e without having walls of RP and apping ahead of me with a new character, I don't think that's too much to ask. It's fuckin hard to app those if you have nothing else and no clique to rush in and app with
If it's gonna be done probably what Jash said is the best way. Otherwise it sort of makes all the previous apps a bit of a waste of time.
This is okay - although, I feel like holy should stay within the city and occult has to be purchased within moon fall.
I don't mind the tomes being there, it's just that there's no lore to read up on most magic. Say....Gravity magic. Personally, I have no idea how to start RPing learning something like that so then I'd have to find a mentor...and there ain't a lot of them. If there was like a library or maybe something on the wiki about each magic or something it'd be easier imo
(12-27-2019, 06:27 PM)Tre Wrote: This is okay - although, I feel like holy should stay within the city and occult has to be purchased within  moon fall.

I suggest that holy and occult shouldn't be purchasable anywhere yet.

Otherwise, you risk people lolzing into each location, quickly buy the tome they want, and then vanish out.

Edit: As for the topic itself, I voted to have more tomes be purchasable. 

At the very least, it will get MUCH needed weight off of approving all the apps that are made for most different tomes, and allow for faster approving/denying of applications made for hidden skills and/or other stuffs.
P.S: I always felt it a bit awkward that in most applications for different magics, people end up mostly having to roleplay using applications of the magic, without actually having the tree yet. Just me, probably, but it feels weird at times, even if do understand the principle behind it (using weaker, non-combat capable usages of the magic, until you are proficient enough to use it in combat)
Yea, I agree jash’s idea is great and provides some rp for people who want to go out and grab magic for others. You could even end up selling the tomes in game icly via event rewards.. ?
I think that Advanced/Specialised trees of basic elemental trees shouldn't appear in tome shops, but others that aren't branched off of basic trees already like illusion or gravity or energy should appear in the shops.
I think most if not all tomes should be available for everyone, while specific spells should be apped within that tome. I don't think putting some builds and character concepts behind some weeks of dev is a good thing because, surprisingly so, this actually discourage some people from trying those out because of how intimidating apping can be (Yes, some people find it intimidating and time consuming).

So if the tomes were available, but specific spells from that tree were app only, that'd make it a good balance. You get the Exalted and some advanced spells actually behind an app to make sure people who actually RP their character concepts get rewarded for it, but also don't lock entire trees and character ideas behind a wall of apping. It's a little big gatekeeping.

But yes, lore heavy tomes shoudl be app only nonetheless.
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