Don't make magic specialization tomes publicly available.
(12-28-2019, 06:00 AM)Blue7x Wrote: Also Chance, sure they got more creative, but that's because they had to be. 

Your post seems to have a lot of contradicting and unclear points, so I'll just focus on this: Tomes encouraged good behaviour. It had you stop and think about what magic your character would develop into rather than impulsively picking up whatever looked shiny. Sometimes you might even go in a different direction because of IC events and that pacing, or just putting more thought into things in general, like I said. Overall, having a buffer that has someone put in that little extra effort wasn't a bad thing.

That's all I was saying. Otherwise I made it pretty clear that I'm in favor of most tomes being public.
Well. My two cents is this. The truth is having the tomes be more available will in no way affect dipping. What I do think should be done is have the tomes with some familiar intermediates AND keep the other intermediates to mentoring/deving. I did get Mentor and it was fun teaching ice. I think if intermediates are treated more like the thing you want to learn from a mentor, it might be more fun.
Hmm not sure what you mean by "good behavior'. But we agree on the tomes at least....
(12-28-2019, 08:24 AM)Blue7x Wrote: Hmm not sure what you mean by "good behavior'. But we agree on the tomes at least....

By and large it encouraged people to actually RP out their magic. In some cases it wasn't much, hell my Gravity app was a handful of scenes over the course of opening weekend.

But honestly? I wasn't even originally gunning for Gravity right out of the gate. I was gonna go time, before IC events happened and that looked like a nudge towards gravity.

Encouraging people to approach the magic their character has like a part of that character, rather than just a mechanical tool to win fights, really is something desirable.
They'd have to balance the trees more for that to happen. So that more people go with ic and not with what's ooc rolling face.
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