ChanceTooltip Improvements
Current tooltip:
Suggested new tooltip: 
Spell: Wellspring Aegis
Current tooltip: Flowing waters buoy and sustain. A moderate, passive heal tick. +20 Power, +30 Mana. Aura.
Suggested new tooltip: Flowing waters buoy and sustain. A passive heal tick based on power. +20 Power. Aura.

it does not give mana anymore
I'm going to go after the entire nature tree for this one.

Spell: Spores
Current Tooltip: "Spawn clouds of spores which slowly follows a target (Charge)."
New Tooltip: "After (X) seconds, force your body to let out a flurry of spores that automatically track your chosen target."

Spell: Nature's Command
Current Tooltip: "Call on nature and summon several serpent-like vines as aid."
New Tooltip: "Conjure three vines that burrow up from the ground. Automatically chases your target, slamming into them."

Spell: Yggdrasil: Tree of Life
Current Tooltip: "Summons forth a tree empowered by nature magic that heals the user and its allies."
New Tooltip: "Plant a tree that fully matures after (X) seconds of growing upwards. Provides a passive stream of healing, as long as you're next to it."

Spell: Vine Whip
Current Tooltip: "Whips in range with a thorned vine three tiles in front. Stuns enemies!"
New Tooltip: "Force a vine to strike three tiles in front of you. Stuns enemies. GCDE."

Spell: Forest Form
Current Tooltip: "Take on aspects of the land into your body. Aura, +15 vit, +15 power, +5% earth and bio aff."
New Tooltip: "Force your limbs to take on the strength of a durable tree. Aura, +15 Vitality and Power. +5% Earth and Nature Power."

Spell: Growth
Current Tooltip: "Commune with nature and cause the crop in front of you to instantly grow. (50 ENERGY)"
New Tooltip: "Lend your life energy and mana to the crop in front of you, and allow it to instantly grow. Costs 50 Energy."

Spell: Deadly Bloom
Current Tooltip: "Sew a garden of deadly plants, procured from your intimate knowledge of flora. Each flower radiates toxic spores when an enemy is near."
New Tooltip: "Plant a seed that immediately sprouts into a large flower. Automatically fires damaging spores that track the target."

Spell: Animate Mandrake
Current Tooltip: "Infuse plants with your life energy, raising a temporary guardian of the forest to join you. Maximum of 3 summons up."
New Tooltip: "Grant a mandrake your own fraction of power and life energy, and let it burrow up from the ground. Temporary summon. They are able to use weak earth-based projectiles."

Spell: Ingrain
Current Tooltip: "Roots the user to the ground for one second before applying a large heal."
New Tooltip: "Root yourself to the ground for one second, sapping the nutrients from the earth under you. Applies a large heal upon unrooting."
[Image: unknown.png]
Spell:Iron fist
Current tooltip:+20 % power, Based on RPL, Your fists and legs are your weapon of choise. Your strikes cripple your opponents and hinder their movements
Suggested new tooltip: +20 % power, Your fists and legs are your weapon of choise. Your strikes cripple your opponents and hinder their movements. (No Active)
*comment: Active suggestion? For 8 seconds ranged unarmed spells causes confusion 3s (titan fist, fury fist), and all contact ones causes slows for 4 seconds.
(ifrit is focused for armed spells, so i got the idea from there.)
Spell:Gentle fist
Current tooltip:+20 % power, Based on RPL, You move with grace and precision, an open handed style. Special: Slow immunity for 6 s. Cleanse
suggested new tooltip: +20 % power, You move with grace and precision, an open handed style. Special: Cleanse on activation and gives Slow immunity for 6 s. (CD of 60 s)
Current tooltip:+20 % power, Based on RPL, Overwhelm your opponent with fast, relentless combinations. Special: Gcd is reduced to 1 s for 10 seconds
Suggested new tooltip: +20 % power, Overwhelm your opponent with fast, relentless combinations. Special: Reduces 1 second from GCD timer (2s).For 8 seconds, (CD of 60 s)
*Comment: The current tooltip suggest you GCD turns 1 second no matter what, for the duration, when is not true, if you get hit by Mud you back to 2 seconds. this is a more correct in my opnion
Current tooltip:+20 % power, Based on RPL, Timing is key. When you guard gain 50 % spell dodge for 2 s ( CD of 20 s)
Suggested new tooltip: +20 % power, Timing is key. When you block and releases quick enough, not holding block for more than 1 second, gain 50 % spell dodge for 2 s ( CD of 20 s, and Can be used regardless GCD)

Current tooltip:Sting like a bee, float like a buttlerfly
Suggested new tooltip: Up close Sting like a bee, from afar float like a butterfly. Deliver a jab from 3 tiles close or a quick engage teleport from 4 tiles or further distance from the target! affected by slows.GCDE
Spell:Titan fist
Current tooltip:A high damage, migthy strike of kinetic force that zones in your target
Suggested new tooltip: A high damage, migthy strike of kinetic force that homes your target, stuns and drags on hit. 2 second charge, low range sear.
Spell:Axe kick
Current tooltip:Chop foward with a strong side kick. GCDE
Suggested new tooltip: Chop forward with a strong side kick that tracks you target and lightly drags on hit.GCDE
Spell:Weighted Punch
Current tooltip: Put some power behind your knuckles, crippling your opponent and leaving them vulnerable!
Suggested new tooltip:Cripple and Expose your target with your heavy attacks! Tracks and Slows on hit, Applying -10% DR while the slow is active.
Current tooltip:Unleash a flurry of hand-to-hand blows, striking three times
Suggested new tooltip: Engage Fleeing enemies or Dodge attacks when timed correctly! Chase your target with a flurry of 3 hand-to-hand blows, teleporting and pursuing it on each attack.
Current tooltip:Body and spirit become one as you lauch forward with all of your might
Suggested new tooltip: Body and spirit become one as you lauch forward with all of your might. Hold ctrl plus press/hold directional keys to steer his movement and avoid walls!
Spell:Fury fist
Current tooltip:A barrage of powerful punches that rocket forward, dealing high damage in front. (no desc about the shockwave?)
Suggested new tooltip: Extend your melee range by pressuring the area ahead with the pure power of your hits! releases a instant wave of pressure that rocket forward, Followed by barrage of punches. The center is the focus of the fists while the borders mostly not.
Spell:Iron Body
Current tooltip:Harness your magic to become temporarily invulnerable
Suggested new tooltip: Harness your magic to become temporarily immune to damage for 4 seconds.But unable to cast spells, block or move and still susceptible to stuns, Hold ctrl plus directional keys to change the direction you looking.
Spell:Fyling kick
Current tooltip:Leap towards your opponent and deliver a hard hitting , stunning kick! slows for 6 seconds.
Suggested new tooltip: Leap forward delivering a hard hitting , crippiling kick! heavy slows for 6 seconds.

(i just noticed i can suggest change his base text as well)
Spell:[Image: unknown.png]
Current tooltip:Hand to hand combat. learn to harness your magic until your fists and feet are hard as stone
Suggested new tooltip:  Melee combat, focused in the mastery of harness the body, the tool you choosed handle and work to be as strong as any weapon. Learn focus your mana circuits and flux to nurture the the whole body and mind, resulting in powerful augments on the unarmed attacks, body performance, and mobility. Choose a stance  and begin to train your technique developing the path that suits better your combat style. be punches, kicks, grapples, submissions or whatever you can imagine, your imagination is the limit
"The path of unarmed is unique to each person, can be linear winding or fulled in ramifications. we're not blades that usually follow a forge method, but beings  able to shape,change and sometimes adapt. As time passes."
A skill tree that mainly offers Pursues leading to close range and Control on enemy movement, with also option for an defensive and an ranged spell. The stances offer defense against debuffs,  and some agressive styles as well quick combos.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Bonus for hiddens:

Spell: Mighty Blow
Current tooltip:A thunderous blow, the opposing side of Blade Storm as this shows the sheer might in your hits.
Suggested new tooltip: A thunderous blow that chases and knockbacks far the target. Messing with the impact area it creates swirling winds, the opposing side of Blade Storm as this shows the sheer might in your hits.

Current tooltip:The caster jumps toward the target, slamming down and delivering an ultra-sized powersmash that generates enough kinetic energy to conjure tornadoes. The ability to move so fast that it doesn't appear like you're moving at all; sacrificing strength for speed, the practitioner must be a master of the blade and possess an indomitable will that can sustain the overwhelming flow of mana within a single arm for the brief (but deadly) strikes forward.

Suggested new tooltip: The caster jumps toward the target, slamming down and delivering an ultra-sized powersmash that generates enough kinetic energy to conjure tornadoes. sacrificing speed for strength, the practitioner must be a master of melee combat, and possess an indomitable will that can sustain the overwhelming flow of mana within a single arm for the brief (but deadly) strikes forward.

(lol the ability is not quick at all. cast from far and you will just miss it. if cast closer is the same as a psmash speed.) if this was more a flavor than actual desc? can just ignore this one.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Spell: Symphony
Current tooltip: Aura. +15 Vitality, +30 Power. While target is slowed, gain +10% Power. Special: Puts a sound spell off of cooldown.
Suggested new tooltip: Aura. +15 Vitality, +30 Power. While target is slowed, gain +10% Power. Special: Puts Sound Strike off of cooldown.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Spell: Blue Shroud
Current Tooltip: Increases damage by 30(50 if heavily damaged.) Gives and extra 10% Damage when under 50% health.
Suggested new tooltip: A shroud of Ethereal energy courses around the practitioner increases their power by 25 giving an extra 10% damage when the fatigue of battle begins to wane (50% and below HP).

Spell: Blood Poll
Current Tooltip: Draw essence from your body to act as a protective coating, and facilitate the casting of blood magic spells. +10 vit/+25 MD, +10% Power while target bleeds
Suggested new tooltip: Draw essence from your body to act as a protective coating, and facilitate the casting of blood magic spells. +10 vit/+15 Power, overflowing for an addition 10% Power while target bleeds
Spell: Occult Flame
Current tooltip: Power up with an aura of black magic that increaases your magical potency and defense.
Suggested new tooltip: Harness the power of black magic to serve as your aura - increasing your magical potency tremendously. (+30 power, +5% damage bonus)

Spell: Black Binding
Current tooltip: Shoot forwards a burst of occult mana, dragging and sticking to all surfaces it can to devour and suffocate the target.
Suggested new tooltip: Shoot forwards a burst of occult mana, dragging and sticking to all surfaces it can to devour and suffocate the target, rooting them in place.

Spell: Curse
Current tooltip: Tamper with your opponent's regenerative abilities. Halves their heals for a short time.
Suggested new tooltip: Tamper with your opponent's regenerative abilities, slowly eating away at their health. Deals damage over time while halving their heals.

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
Spell: Spring's Bloom
Current tooltip: Spring's Bloom does not appear to have a description.
Suggested new tooltip: Aura. +10% Power, +5% DR. Immortal Vines. On E, creates 5 Deadly Bloom flowers for 6 seconds.

Spell: Super Magi: Evil (Occult Variant)
Current tooltip: Super Magi: Evil does not appear to have a description.
Suggested new tooltip: The epitome of using ones energy to enhance your entire form, a constant and explosive power. (10% Power, 10% DR).

Spell: Primordial Flame
Current tooltip: Primordial Flame does not appear to have a description.
Suggested new tooltip: The very essence of fire, pure and unrefined. The world ignites in wake of your steps. (15% Power, 1x3 Fire Tiles)

Hiddens deserve fancy tooltips too.
A small couple more. It's a small change, but one for clarity - as I once thought the cannons were supposed to slow people for a longer time.

Spell: Shadow Cannon
Current tooltip: A great blast of black magic that deals heavy damage and slows considerably.
Suggested new tooltip: A great blast of black magic that deals heavy damage, slowing considerably for as long as they stay in the beam.

Spell: Judgement Bean
Current tooltip: A massive beam of holy magic that deals heavy damage and slows considerably.
Suggested new tooltip: A massive beam of holy magic that deals heavy damage, slowing considerably for as long as they stay in the beam.

EDIT: Scratch this for now - someone informed me that the beam does slow after exiting. I'm unsure if this is true, so I'll have to test it, I guess.

EDIT 2: Yep! I got it wrong. It DOES slow for longer. Feel free to delete.

[Image: eternia-amber.png]
Amber count: 693 (or 770)
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