LiefDeltoraDaemon Training?
I know that the code was buggy or something like that, back on SoA, but I really miss the whole Daemon Training thing.
Is there any possibility of ever bringing it back?
Like, ever?

I miss it a lot..
I believe this is coming back to some capacity with the addition of the Summoning Tree coming soon™

Info on other things coming soon™ can be found on the roadmap page:

(The only reason I did this is to use the ™ symbol no lie)
There were some minor fixes to Daemon Taming that makes it work again, but the system is in need of a complete overhaul since there's deep rooted bugs. I'll be reintroducing it regardless but it will very much be a "use at your own risk" deal (noted in the capture cube item). Post release a refactor will be prioritized.

Summoning magic is pretty straight forward. If you have the attunement, you can purchase the associated summon at a cost of 20 spell points. Each summon has a different move set, much like daemons. Later on I'd like to expand this to include combat utility and support mechanics.

edit: although in retrospect I might exclude daemon taming since it'll be sort of redundant to have two similar systems, even if the catch / level up mechanics are cute. We'll see. Long-term summoning will recapture and improve on the glitz of the old system regardless.
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