IceshadowMeat... More meat...
[Image: fentezi-temnoe-fentezi-skelet-cherep-kor...spekhi.jpg]

"I am the beginning of it all..."

From the dirt I was risen, stomped and treaded upon.
From the looks received, disgusted, terrified and wary.
From the bones I was crafted, marred, damaged, unreplaceable.

There will be no end, no giving to the sorrow or ferocity I will wreak upon this world.
I will be eternal.
Ceaseless growing and hunger, always craving more and not satiated with the mage flesh devoured.
Bone, sinew, muscle, tendons, arteries, veins.
How many more parts must I taste before I am satisfied?

No shortage of danger will I spare upon this world for I was crafted with the intent of stealing all from you.
Stealing all to grow myself.

The dangerous fights, the damage done to me, the essence I reaped from each fallen foe.
The ones dead in my wake provide more sustenance.
All I come across are stepping stones in my pinnacle of growth.
To be the Undead Champion is not my climax.
This is only the conception for all who dare stray against my blade, bone and master.

"I will also be your end."
[Image: sRw0SQI.png][Image: unknown.png]
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