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Nightingale Corp. Duty Hub
[Image: ObZWTyd.png]
[Image: JivslXQ.png]
Duty Hub
Let no job be left undone.
               Let no quest be left untaken.
    Harken thee and do our duties.         
              For this, this is our burden.
Across the realm of the seas, where the open tides of Port Fortune invite the vast majority of comers and goers, the slate of placement of a bustling guild house calls the fervor of adventurers and mercenaries alike. Whereas a newfound presence of an enigmatic handler had posed to build a franchise of a semi-renowned collective, most known for its tenacity for providing one integral thing: quests and money. Overseen as the local Guild Handler by the distant vassal of the company, Michaiah Feuchdair, they bring but a simple missive to the realms of Meranthe: seek out the corps and garner a chance to undertake one of its many quests, duties, and requests; for guts, for glory, for infamy, or for money.
In simplest terms, anyone is capable of joining the guild. However, only those within its ranks are capable of undertaking the quests unveiled. Though there are plenty of quests, some never garnering the talk amongst the denizens of the continent, the largest of them all oft were the peaks that attract the eyes of Meranthe's colourful array of magi and sellswords. To say the least, such a locale upholds a neutral stature, offering contractual jobs for all to peruse and pursue.
Jobs provided by the Nightingale Corp. are divided into four classifications: Emergences, Duties, Requests, and Grand Duties.
[Image: dVSVWFC.png]
Across the realm, the Nightingale Corp. and its web of connections unveil
the most tumulus of events, occurrences, and happenings that oft require
the most urgent of responses. Hordes of attacking monsters, sudden slews
of natural disasters, or even the dangers posed by rouge groups. In hard
times like so, one cannot be picky with who aids.
Emergences can be undertaken by anyone, regardless of membership.
Public events that are announced days before it occurs.
[Image: ovLUVpV.png]
Mandated quests by the main headquarters of the Nightingale Corp. itself.
Primarily simple quests that range from hunting down monsters of the realm,
procuring rare items on behalf of the guild, or seeking out bounties of the
hardiest of hostiles. The job can differ within the grand scheme of all things.
Duties can only be undertaken by guildmembers of any rank.
Minimum 2 members, maximum of 5.
[Image: nck1M98.png]
Bestowed by the local patrons of Meranthe, a sponsor can provide a sum
of coin before the Nightingale Corp. to provide an offering of a job to its
guildmembers. Be it to acquire an artifact, obtain a rare sample, or to
note down integral notes of a dangerous specimen. The job caters to the
will of the requestee.
Sponsors (Player Characters) may make a request through the forms here.
Anything posted there will be treated as an IC letter to the guild.
Requests can only be undertaken by guildmembers of two stars or higher.
Minimum 3 members, maximum of 5.
[Image: Y75wZt8.png]
Rare as they may be, these expeditions are often renowned for the dangers
posed, along with the treasures it provides. Often, it is at the behest of the
higher echelon of the Nightingale Corp., the sponsorship of a very driven and
wealthy individual, or through the greater realms of Meranthe and beyond.
Whether the requestee is a local sponsor or not, Grand Duties are of the
rare norm within the scope of the Nightingale Corp. These quests,
to say the least, is not for the faint of heart.
Sponsors (Player Characters) may make a request through the forms above.
Anything posted there will be treated as an IC letter to the guild.
Requests can only be undertaken by guildmembers of three stars.
Very limited slots. Differs per Grand Duty.

[Image: BkrUDL4.png]
The Nightingale Corp. Duty Hub acts as a curt membership-only questing hub that can provide for those in dire need of work. Its main guildhouse can be found on the shores of Port Fortune (Coordinates: 72, 112, 1). Backgrounds, ideologies, and goals matters little for its members. The only hard requirements are the capability to act upon these quests, the following of Port Fortune's laws, and the upholding of the guild's well-being and stature. One may be a member of other guilds, affiliations, political positions, what have you, the invitation is open to all for as long as they can uphold order and do their jobs.
All quests can only be taken by members, as in mechanical members of the guild (as reflected by the in-game guild system). Albeit, the quests offered only need to be accepted by a guildmember. Who they bring can be anyone (regardless of guild membership), however nonmembers of the guild who come are liable to the dangers of the quest with a zero chance of payout or loot.
[Image: x7UzEFX.png]
All three of the quest types will be events. The process for signing up goes like so:
  • The event will be posted on this thread, providing all the needed details, the type of quest it is, and the general scope of the duty. Furthermore, the date and time of the event is solidified and is final. If the date is not amicable for you or your group, do not sign up. The dates are usually on the weekend, making it the most ideal for most event times.
  • No requests on the event-goer's end. The quest rewards are finalized before posting.
  • A link to a Google Forms will also be added. This is where guildmembers may sign up for the event. This link will be open for submissions throughout the week, ending a few days before the event date. This and everything else below is nonapplicable to Emergences.
  • The day before the event, a randomized roll from all the Google Form posts will be done to determine which guildmember gets the quest. A post will be posted on this thread detailing which guildmember had won the roll before the event.
  • It is up to the guildmember who got the quest to prepare their other event goers. Just take note of the minimum and maximum number of people that can go on an event above. The DM will contact the guildmember a day or on the day of the event to prepare for being teleported to the event.
  • In the case of groups' absence, the job will be foregone and a new group will be rolled to be done at their earliest convenience. The DM is advised to provide only thirty minutes to the group before cancelling deployment. In the case of a DM being absent, the group will be informed for a follow-up date preferable to them.
Events differ depending on the classification of quests offered.
  • Emergences are public events that often allows anyone present to participate. There is usually a chance for minor rewards, but the guild takes no act in paying those that aid. Often times, these events rely on the altruism of the magi mercenaries that are present. These events usually relate, are caused by, or leads up to other Duties, Requests, or even Grand Duties. One needs not to be a member to participate.
  • Duties are shorter events, often ranging an expected two to three hours at most. Duties often puts a group against one to two obstacles on the regular with a small loot pool to roll on. These are the most common quests.
  • Requests on the other hand are fully-fledged events made at the request of another player. The group will be provided pay based on the offered money by the sponsor, along with a loot pool to roll on. The requestee, at the end of the event, will also be provided with their request, assuming the event participants were successful in their voyage. These events last around three to five hours depending on the group. To clarify, no, the requestee cannot choose who goes on the Request. That remains up to the chance of who signs up that is a member of the guild and wins the roll.
  • Grand Duties are expedition-tier events. Rare, these are often guild-mandated requests that calls upon the highest members of the guild to partake in. Normally handed out by the guild itself, some sponsors may provide an insurmountable amount of cash to send forth adventurers to act for these Grand Duties. Death is highly likely. Most of the expeditions are almost centered around the climb of the Tower of Aetius. These events may last three to five hours, but can go for longer if needed.
Loot on these events function differently. Money is the only assured reward for Duties and Requests, as concrete and actual items are to be rolled for to determine to whom they go to and not everyone is assured to receive one if the rolls do not go to their favor. Grand Duties allows its members to claim the item rewards as the event goes on, all the while providing a monetary reward at the end like all the other quests.
[Image: HFXyvb0.png]
To partake in quests, one must first be a certified member of the Nightingale Corp. by speaking to Michaiah Feuchdair. A one-time entry fee of 10,000c must be paid upfront per member to assure the act of joining, that of which will open up the quests to them for a lifetime. Members are provided exclusive access to quests for them and them alone for no extra fee. Along with so, three ranks signify which type of quests a member can undertake. These ranks bear their own responsibilities and further up can only be achieved when certain conditions are met.
  • Rank. The opening rank that all guildmembers begin with. One Star adventurers are grassroot members that can only participate in Duties.
  • ★★ Rank. The rank acquired after enough time of working with the guild. Two Star adventurers can participate in Duties and Requests. To rise to this rank, a member must undergo at least a combine five different Emergences and/or Duties successfully.
  • ★★★ Rank. The highest possible rank attained by guildmembers. Three Star adventurers are seasoned veterans of the guild, allowing them to participate in Duties, Requests, and Grand Duties. Because of their renown, to attain this rank, one must undergo at least a combined ten different Emergences and Duties or three Requests and must be a ★★ Rank member.
The pros of signing up for the guild implores a steady stream of weekly to bi-weekly events depending on the capability and time of the DM/s. Membership is liable to probation, de-promotion, termination, and other effects under the call of the handler and the guild. All fees paid to the guild is nonrefundable.
[Image: 9SXhRKu.png]
Requests, also known as player requested events, most have increments of prices depending on what the player requests. The price range, at the moment, goes at the smallest, 50,000c. The price may rise or fall depending on the economy and this thread will be attempted to be kept updated in this regard. For each multiple item requested, expect an additional 20,000c or higher depending on the quality and rarity of the item. Prices are used for the pay of would be adventurers along with a service fee from the guild. Grand Duties extends farther, calling for 100,000c as its beginning price.
Requesters should expect only one item at the conclusion of the event lest one paid for more, to be hand-delivered right to them as early as the end of their requested event. Pricing is decided by the guild (aka Admins/DMs) and will be provided to you through Discord DM. The addition of a Budget in the options provides a person a place to note down how much they can spend.
**Rules and the system is liable to change and additions later down the line if the need arises.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
[Image: EWgEAAL.png]
[Image: YEgvfkt.png]
Through tumulus dealings, immense collective planning, and the logistics to rival that of kingdoms, the doors
into the Nightingale Corp. Duty Hub opens. A new kind of quest had been conspired, Emergences. The Guild
Handler of the Meranthe chapter of the rising Adventurers' Guild invites all who seek purpose to join its ranks.
Much so that an onboarding promo had been enacted.
On August 31 (Wednesday), from 7 PM EST to 9 PM EST,
the first ten people to sign up shall be waived of the entry
fee and shall be conscripted to the guild at no cost.
This will be done in-game at the Duty Hub at Port Fortune.
Coordinates: 72, 112, 1
The Guild Handler suggests that the flow of quests shall soon begin to be handed out
within the collective lands of Meranthe from here on out.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
[Image: 5RD4wGY.png]
[Image: ifGOmLS.png]
Shipping Bereavement
At the hint of locals within Port Fortune, a rumor speculating the presence of a boatgoblin thieving ships had roused
in recent times. Through the revelations of the guild's contacts, the thievery had been discovered to be much more
that it seems. A peculiar tip off had claimed that a horde of boatgoblin pirates had begun to mobilize. A sudden strike
upon Port Fortune had been enacted whilst an armada of stolen ships would be sailed off for the group's nefarious
purposes. The guild beseeches all that is interested to partake in defense.
Wave 1, stave the slew of goblin boat jackers.
Wave 2, trail their horde and scout their encampment.
Wave 1, 8pm EST, September 2, Friday
Wave 2, 8am EST, September 3, Saturday

Wave 1, Port Fortune (52, 66, 1)
Wave 2, Brute Bay (174, 219, 1)
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
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[Image: 0YxwXeD.png]
Sea of Songs
Like a moth to a flame, the unbridled churn of a distant hymn has drawn the very missives of
shipwrights and sailors into an allure. Like the boatgoblins that had been enthralled by its song,
the source had now set its sights for bigger prey. Only then had the depths proved to be more
than just a chanced grave. This song cannot be allowed to continue its chorus, lest the seas
be claimed by its depraved vixens.
Prevent further ships from disappearing.
Seek out and stop the melody.
(1) 8 AM EST, September 7, Wednesday
(2) 9 PM EST, September 10, Saturday
Southern Coast of Meranthe
Overworld Effects:
Sirens. EC Danger Level ★
Roams the seas, assails sailors and beaches.
Effective until both Duties end in success.
Guildmembers can sign up here.
One Duty instance per person's sign up.
People are highly encouraged to invite other members.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
[Image: 0YxwXeD.png]
Sea of Songs
The dice has been cast, the stage is set.
Instance one of the duty scheduled at
8 AM EST, September 7, Wednesday
shall be heralded and lead by...
Kamilla Bellerose
Assemble your team and prepare for the duty.
To those interested, seek them out in hopes to join them.
Or better yet, sign up now to potentially get the second instance.
Who claims the second instance to be decided a day or so
before the scheduled event.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
[Image: 0YxwXeD.png]
Sea of Songs
At the crew of Kamilla Bellerose's success,
there they had found the nest of the Sirens.
Where they meet, where they thrive.
Where their curse shall find an end.
The dice has been cast, the stage is set.
Instance two of the duty scheduled at
9 PM EST, September 10, Saturday
shall be heralded and lead by...
  Assemble your team and prepare for the duty.
To those interested, seek them out in hopes to join them.
This blight on the southern seas shall finally end.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]
[Image: 0YxwXeD.png]
Sea of Songs
At the crew of Estera would the infernal song finally end.
Sailors push their wake once more as the seas become safe.
No longer will the dangers of Sirens bereave those that
hold dearly the people who ride the waves.
The southern seas are once more free.
Overworld Effects:
Sirens. EC Danger Level ★
Roams the seas, assails sailors and beaches.
Effective until both Duties end in success.
[Image: 6VjQGd5.png]

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