

it is a concept that most humans, most softskins, can not understand

our numbers, infinite. much like our hunger.

our minds, linked. our bodies, to serve one purpose.

but there is more to it, than that. there is more to it than the mind.

well, its not very difficult to comprehend, i guess

in the same way you softskins have your own thoughts, your own personalities

your own wants, desires, ambitions, goals,

your own fears, worries, anxieties, hatreds

so, too, is each member of the hive an individual

linked together, the sum of our parts becomes one whole

and that whole is greater than the sum of our parts

But lately

this one has felt

a little


in the head

you know?


[Image: 0f0dd7a286546fed9f25fca6121306af.png]

we have tried to play nice, we have tried softskin politics, we have tried to be reasonable

now, it is rather simple. 

we will be apex, instead

i. will be apex. i will be greater than apex. i must be greater than apex. i can not be any less than apex. please, please, i cant lose any one else.

For the Queen. For the Hive. For the Mind. For Dal'Thala. For the Queen
but i worry, why can't i hear her voice so well, anymore?
[Image: edbae8adc4cdc657c7307971b838ad95.png]

if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
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