~Aoria-sama~Kitten in Red
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Tucked away, in an unknown place, sits a singular book.
Soft white hair sticks to some of the pages.
Quote:You say confidence is what completes a woman
But I am no woman
Or did you forget?
Confidence is not my friend
Confidence and I haven’t spoken
In many days, and many nights
It’s pointless for her to help me
Because I am no woman

I am the moon
I am the most confusing
Reverse cryptid
You’ll never get
To figure out

I hide myself among curtains of darkness
I call them my friends
The stars protect me and let me see
I call them my sisters
The sun reflects it’s light on me and calls me beautiful
I call him my lover

Isn’t it funny
How I only let you see
What I choose to show you
I will let you see me at my fullest, but only for a night
I won’t let you see me at all
And each day I reveal and conceal, whenever I choose

And even then i am a mystery
Because a valuable piece
To this complex puzzle
Is missing
Because just like every woman
Don’t I have a dark side?
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Another page in the diary of Daylee.
The kitten in red.
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I once had a family.
This loneliness that plagues me hasn’t always been so heavy.
Calamity struck, and it killed the only goodness I thought I had left.
Was it so wrong of me to seek solace?
So wrong to be selfish? To accept the luxury and sweetness upon temptations tongue?
No matter how dreadful, murderous, delightfully dark that hand had been?
My Misfortunes have been my only comfort since my whole world had been torn completely apart.
A passion unlike any other, a flame that I kept fed particularly often.
-but was it ever really enough?
What is the proper worth of a soul?
When it was all I truly had left...

I once had a family.
One made by choice in my heart.
My second chance to love.

-and I blew it before it was even mine.

because without a soul,
what do I have to offer anyone?

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Quote:While I've long recognized the fault to my obsession,
the slow smolder behind liquid eyes
And I know the voice, smooth as any god could sing.
I've never quite understood the fire, the flame,
or the disappointment that cuts so deep at a single touch

And while speaking of fire,
It's the one, the reason, the red-hot culmination of it all,
the maker of my wildest dreams, the destroyer of my heart.
The taker of my soul to who I am so bound..
It's an Addiction, an Obsession, a Passion, a Fire
And it burns me every single time…

Yet to no other do I worship so deeply.

The days in Abendrot have come to an end.  My daughter Misery, so corrupted by her own greed for power - betrayed me so fully in the eyes of all. It is regretfully so, but not something I could so easily overlook. With my power to aid the demon king Laplace in his victory, I was ready to watch my own flesh and blood die. Yet he allowed her to live, with the condition of her loyalty and betrayal of our dear lord Misfortune. A lord that all of my children have been taught to never forsake. It is because of her consistent betrayals I relinquish her right to call herself one of my children. What a disappointment.
My other children - are left to their own devices.  I hadn’t the time to find them all before I fled into the Tower of Aetius. While I would like to think their loyalty to our lord Misfortune would not waiver, I have been mistaken before. The world of Meranthe has become harshest on all that I love. Through many years I have seen the rise and fall of our coven, and while the demons may have found their own footing through the betrayals of our own - I can respect it. Admire it, even.
But I will never betray my lord.
I’d choose death before it.
I will mourn our losses and continue to sing my songs of worship.
-remaining in the dark.
For the next time I emerge….
Meranthe will know the true meaning of chaos.
I’ve always had a passion for theatrics, after all.
-and it’s time for me to put together my opening act.
And Meranthe will be quite the fitting stage.
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