Give Nyeshk Armor a DR bonus to those who wear it so it can be more notably comparable to Arcanium as opposed to Mythril's slightly heavier cousin.
Mythril feels better more often than not (and as noted by the many who don't bother to go beyond it and the way the order doesn't bother to do do either).
It can be something small like 2-5% that helps Nyeshk to feel like it's the heavy imposing and realistic counterpart to Arcanium that it feels like it should be, rather than a higher-tier downgrade to Mythril.

And give Nyeshk Greatswords more something. The Nyeshk weapon gives you +10% Cooldown (or -10% cooldown reduction) for a mere +20 physical over a mythril sword.
If I'm wrong on the math just let me know but the difference between

180 Power with 20 Phys  and 180 power with 40 phys on a melee spell damage of say, 5, is literally just 1000 vs 1100 on melee spells only. I don't know if 100 extra damage is worth 10% more CDs and it kinda feels like it should be more (it's a 10% difference in the 180 power example, but you'll find it's not a 10% difference anywhere else, it's literally just 100 extra points of damage on average per armed spell only. 

I feel like if anything, given the nature of the weapons, the look of the weapons (a tiny needle blade or a blue broadsword vs a Dragonslayer cleaver 5x the size?) and what goes into them, how much mythril swords cost (5 pieces?) vs nyesh sword cost (10 pieces and ultimately a way rarer node?), the physical bonus of a nyeshk greatsword should be much much higher-- or the base power the blade gives should be higher if not. (But honestly it should just be raw phys added, and maybe instead of 40 something maybe double, or maybe even up to 100, I know that sounds like an insane thing but it's 10% increase for extra damage on armed spells which are already kited into the ground as is with all sorts of CC and utility tools-- and yes I know this gives more reason to fear lightspeed-armed users)


To try and be more concise with my point:

If a base Mythril sword (not counting pristine +3 buff) is 15 power and 20 phys-- that's 35 total strength I guess.
A base Nyeshk sword (not counting pristine +3 buff) is 15 power and 40 phys-- that's 50 total strength I guess with the 100 weight or 10% higher CDs.
And a Mythril staff (not counting pristine +3 buff) is 30 power at 50 weight or 5% higher CDs. That's pure scaling going into all spells.

So if we're talking base weapon, you're looking at a 45% increase in damage (if we're only talking armed spells) when comparing a Nyeshk Sword at the cost of 10% higher CDs-- and if we're taking accuracy out of the equation and putting these weapons against one another...

Not only does a Mythril sword do very comparable damage to the Nyeshk sword in a comparable amount of time off armed skills alone, but the Mythril sword will also get to unload their damage faster and more reliably on average and will get to complete full combos seconds faster which translates into potentially winning faster and before the Nyeshk sword can try to profit with its slightly higher scaling.
There are only add ons to our power stats of course and not the entirety of our power stat, and even worse enchantments are the same across the board-- so an exalted enchant puts the power of a Mythril sword to 35 with 20 phys and the Nyeshk 35 with 40 phys-- which looks more like 55 vs 75, which is more like a 35% increase-- so you're actually getting diminishing returns the closer to peak you take this weapon.

Edit 2:
Testing just Fatal strike with either weapon has me consistently hitting 2.9k and 4.4-4.5 on crits.
No matter which weapon, a exalted power enchant mythril sword or a nyeshk greatsword, just one puts my fatal on a 11 second CD and the other on 12.

So huge icon difference, double the materials, 5x the rarity in material probably, and -infxt the weight (0 weight vs 100 weight).

Edit 3:

MORE damage with a staff, CONSISTENTLY--

3100 and 4600 on crit
2900 to 3000 base and 4400 to 4500 on crit with Nyeshk and Mythril swords

I don't think Phys stat is counting toward anything at all right now.
Rip phys. He does have a point though, Nyeshk greatswords are just a hindrance if anything
So Physical has some noticable affects on your damage now. It seems like Nyeshk hits +100 damage of a Mythril sword on average, for 1 second slower casts.

I'd like other people to weigh in but I don't know if +100 damage is worth dealing your damage a second later. Call me picky but if the choice is

10 + 10 + 10 + 10 over 20 seconds vs
11 + 11 + 11 + 11 over 24 seconds, I don't know if it's worth +4 damage to drop my damage a second later each time.

I'm just thinking-- if it takes 5 hits to take each other down, you throw on a mythril sword and you get to get your 5 hits in faster, and I throw on a Nyeshk sword so I get in an extra 5% damage on average... But a second later every cast; that's like... Negligible. It's not putting a dent in my damage output, it's just slowing me down. I wouldn't see returns on my weapon until the 20th hit when my 20th hit feels like the 21st. But in the time it takes me to get 20 hits, the guy with the Mythril sword actually gains extra attacks over me in that time. And this is all hypothetical because no fight is going to take 10 casts of the same/similar spells and if we combine a lineup of armed abilities you're actually seeing slightly more return from your rotation collectively than separately.

Soooo... I'll just say I think the phys difference between Nyeshk and Mythril swords still feels a bit lacking after this update. The scaling difference is definitely there, but I think Nyeshk could use another... Uhhh... 20 phys? So 60? Or-- inversely, Mythril lowered a bit in Phys. Thoughts?
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