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III. The Empress
Date of Birth: November 19, 2007 AC
Roleplay Level: 202
Allegiances: The Greathive
Magic: Light, Mist, Ice
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Let this be not the tale of yore,
Where history repeats and draws a bore.
Nay, the story wields the interest of right.
For this is a tale of a being of Light.
Where many had faltered, the new light that burns brightly before roots of old would bolster the generations of newfound lucidity. Amidst the chorus of new brood, one peeks against the all. Where many had clamored for their chitin, exoskeletons, and but the defensive hide bore of adaptation and natural selection, one brings upon the opposite of such a quandary of evolution; a being that had taken upon an aspect of weakness to cater toward a grander scheme of power. Where blockades against damage is lost, the brimming potential for unquenchable light exudes itself.
And thus, it had named itself Dorime.
It grew. But the most miniscule of its kin, yet by no standards had its physique been the lasting ebb of downtrodden ridicule that one is undeserving of. Nay. If for another reason that such a creature would be found as a curiosity more than a detriment. With its presence as a lightweaver, there is a sense of hope that bleeds freely from its pores. The ivory that cascade past the featureless mein of the specimen bears little to no emotive to bear, and yet it clamors for an intriguing provocation of belief that is found in no other of its kind.
Mayhaps its fervent whispers of the Light would have been indicative of its devotion to something grander, just below its own devotion to the current Queen—its mother.
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