fisherboiI Refuse
[Image: cfcfff3478e83c7b357f320b5bb6ac81.png]

I was offered to move on. To let go. Life another life- in another world. As a whole different person.

But I refused and walked the other way.

I will not be recycled. I will not forget the people I love, and the ones I hate.

This world... is a strange one... Neither Hel or Avalon. I seemed to be trapped in a realm inbetween.

But I'm finding my marks. I built a hut, and even have some land to farm... soon enough I'll be able to brew potions.

Perhaps find a solution to get out of here?


I was told no man has ever escaped.

So of course I set myself the goal to do so... ehe.

Maybe dying was a blessing disguise after all!

 As someone who always hated the Gods, I always wanted to fight them.

And now... I'm closer to them than ever before.

From the beginning to the end, they made my life miserable.

Now it's my turn to give them Hel.

I ain't trapped up here...

You are trapped with me, 


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