StarMannWhat a King must do
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Ash and smoke fill the skies around Dal'thala, spreading from its north western coast across the lands. The night sky explodes with a deep orange spreading to a foreboding crimson as the light of the rising flames spreads. The great hive tree of Dal'Thala has been burned to the ground.

Quote:"The hive have been with Dal'Thala for over two decades. In that time I have advocated towards their humanity, attempted to broker peace among all other nations to try and get them to see what I saw in them. That they weren't uncontrollable monsters, that they had budding ambitions to live ambivalently.

I was wrong.

The hive has only ever sought one thing: to conquer. And when their people failed, their fighters died, their Queen abandoning them... They turned to more secretive and darker methods. Vessix, as you all know him, came across as jovial, perhaps even kind. But it was a façade one he let slip far too often. He planned of spreading the influence of the tree, the hive mind, into the people of Dal'Thala, to make them subservient to it and his whims.

This cannot be allowed. To seep into the sanctity of one's mind... to alter a person away from their true selves is something that cannot exist in any capacity. Most of you know my efforts at curing the Red Psychosis disease, how I risked my own life to ensure the clarity and freedom of others. That extends here.

Vessix has been expelled from Dal'Thala, the hive exiled and its tree burned to ash. No more shall they sully our lands in comfort. No more shall they use my people and my city as their shields as they plot in the dark. They are exposed. And I urge for them to be dealt with wherever they try to infest again.

I was asked when I was going to act against the hive. When I would show more than just lip service about removing their blight... I have acted. However I did not choose to do this due to outside influence. This was a rot that had to be burned from our lands. Better to have been done by my hand than by those without."

-King Lionel Avarion

  • With Vessix' removal from the city the Diarchy remains in place. Lady Aurona Caewynn has ascended to take the now vacant throne.
  • The Greathive and all its members are considered exiles to Dal'Thala and any attempt at harbouring them will be considered treason to the nation of Dal'Thala. 
  • The hive tree has been burned down and as a result, no more hivefruit can be produced, no more sacrifices can be made.
  • Missives have been sent towards Vdalion and Final Frontier informing their leaders of the event directly.

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Freshly born, this one cannot articulate the pain one feels from the burning of the tree, like a mother to those it helped to connect and guide.
This one cannot understand. Were they jealous that we could see our god? That they could only grasp at the simple material concepts of their own? So afraid of its beauty that they could do nothing but burn it?
Of course not. They always burn what they don't understand.
Exiled. Cold. Alone.
But this one will remember what took place.
My brother and sisters, they never saw the sun.
[Image: Hill-Giant-Herdgorger-Adventures-in-the-...tG-Art.jpg]

It was not long after news spread to Vdalion of the burning of the hive tree that there was a quiet stir in the land of the giants. A brief period of confusion, uncertainty, as if it wasn't entirely clear how to respond to the ignition of their casus belli. In time, however, heralds would be sent and a message spread with the words of the Hofgothi of the Zealots of Ymir Shaggard DeGray, and the Flame Prince of Vdalion Glufdor Vorraog.
Quote:"It is a rare thing to see one's target set themselves aflame in the midst of war to seek pity. I am personally satisfied, Bjornheim is avenged upon the tree, and so it is that the bears can heal. However, there is still the matter of Dal'thala's past ambitions, and that requires earnest repayment to settle the score."
Following the words of the Hofgothi, it appears a transcript of the Prince's word and rite were offered.
"As for Delphina's shadow, you believe they will avert the war? Why would we cease the actions they started? It was not just the Hive I have been battling as I wander the lands, but the children of the King who insult me. If they seek peace, I will not accept anything less than two hundred thousand coin and Eliseo, to be sacrificed atop the Volcano to appease mine desire to set a flame into the hearts of our enemy. Should that not be acceptable, we march upon their forest. I much rather prefer to set that entire fucking thing ablaze."
The terms were set. Two hundred thousand coin and the life of Dal'thala's prince, or the giants continue their march.
The terms are quite expectantly readily dismissed, with a return missive being sent. Yet despite the foregone decision, there is another matter addressed.

"You are already fully aware of what my answer is. I have done what I've done to excise a blight that attempted to strip my people of their reason. Yet you allow a similar one to flourish in your prince and claim the madness gives him strength. He is sick and requires treatment. Even in these times of war I offer my hand to treat it. To free him from the grip of another. The war will always seem to loom, no matter what is done. No matter what is said or what action is taken. All you wish to do is march and we both know that your opinions and actions will never waiver from this.

Let me heal your prince. And let us do war."

-King Lionel Avarion

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