OichaHic Sunt Dracones [Part 1?]
[Image: 4ea7907e0ee67c90b0955b6a0d00dc0e.jpg]
Quote:I've heard tale of a Dragon in some mountainous isles to the south-east of here. I intend to give it an option. Be subjugated, or be fodder for me. Would you join me on this grand hunt?

These great beasts should be thankful. I have come to wake them from their stupor. They lounge and wait for gold to come to them, from foolish adventurers or the peasantry that is blind enough to settle in their territory. I will give them grander purpose. They will serve one way or another, in life or in death. As the voice of the great one Felfyraxes, I bring them closer to their true purpose.

We will rule together, or they will die under my feet. The only use for those too cowardly to emerge from their dens!

Draco enim sum, ignem non timeo!
Character: Volkemorde
Attendees: Brave Hunters
Risk: COD+
Theme: Dragons, Conquering marauders, Subjugation, Battle of wills
Rewards: [DM discretion, depends on outcome.]
DM: Open to discussion contact Oicha#4102
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