Inuunaa secret long lost
[Image: HD-wallpaper-the-funeral-red-black-funer...te-fla.jpg]

A dark and inevitable day has cometh into the barmaid's life when a friend of her mother's and a frequent guest at the crossroads pub, razor, the well known thief and mobster has fallen to old age. a rather mysterious figure has approached the not-so-young bardmark at razor's funeral, telling her that her mother has left a rather curious map to him with the task of passing it down to her upon his death.

Quote:"i mean...him and her must have had a reason to bestow it upon me..."

"keep the guest busy, i am going on an adventure!"

with that said the enutrof barmaid has passed on word of this venture into the depths of the barsburgian ruins...

Attendees: Eleonóra Bardmark, the enutrof enterprises and associates
Risk: HCOD
Rewards: rare brewing materials or recipe for eleonóra and anything dm sees fit for the others
theme: treasure hunt in long forsaken lands, horror maybe? really leaving creative freedom for dm to try out a theme they were aching to test
DM: anybody who'd like to take it. contact inuuna#3952
a DM has been found, will invite attendees later on
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