reaHouse Astor ⭒ Rosegold Guardians
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Quote:" 'Tis been our duty - nay, our purpose to lay our lives on the line as sword and shield for this country since Divinity quelled a war that sought to end mankind. No more will we allow any power to arise and threaten the lives of not only our King, but of each person who takes in breath. We are the blade of every shepherd and his sheep, the bulwark of every merchant and his wares. Think not of your own life, but of each and every life you will spare by your valor. "
 .t  Ersen Astor,  472AC

The ancient house of Astor has been seen as protectors since the refugees of Astya first came to this land.  The founders of the family held great pride in being defenders, using their lives to ensure the longevity of those around them. To ensure their lives were not traded, many children born under the banner of House Astor - be in directly into the bloodline, or into a close vassal family that has pledged , are taught to hold and use a sword before they are taught how to read.  Of course, as one of the Three Great Houses, this does not mean that the Astor are uneducated in any way, simply that they find more merit in their actions rather than within their words. 

Of the Three Great Houses, Astor is the most accepting of those with blood below them. While it isn't uncommon to come across someone who places themselves above 
commoners, most do it with the thought process of their strength and rank over the common people meaning they would be far better at defending them than the commoner would be themself.

The members of House Astor are all but expected to join The Order of the First Light as soon as they can, many being allowed special enrollment below the age gate in order to start them in Knighthood as soon as possible. Due to their high blood and important social ranks, they often ascend the ranks of the Order very quickly, both due to the harsh training and mindset that has been placed upon them since birth, as well as favoritism towards their name and nobility. Those who do not reach the rank of Exarch Knight are looked upon with scrutiny. 

Unlike some other houses that have dedicated their lives to the blade, the mortality rate of the Astor bloodline is not as high as expected. Though it remains tradition to have many children in order to guarantee an heir in wartime, even in times of peace,  main and high-ranked branch members of the family are often given vassals or early betrothals to another family of knighthood to keep them safe. 

Of course, they train and fight on their own just the same - they are the swords and the shields of this country, a belief that is groomed into them before they can even process the weight of those words. 
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