EulogyEverywhere & Nowhere
[Image: portals.png]

"So... can you explain how this is gonna work again?"

"Ugh! Ilari, seriously?! It's so simple! I'll break it down for you one last time..."

[Image: mihira.png][Image: ilari.gif]

"So you got me 'n you, right? Me 'n you, we take... I dunno, mom, dad, Logan, and... grandpa if he's awake. We take our party and we use this thing called sympathy to teleport or nearly teleport to the spot that's significant to the watch. Then after that, it's as simple as followin' the trail where it leads! Easy, right?"

"Okay, but isn't it in the spirit realm or something? You've never even been there before!"

"So? We'll have Logan, man! Plus dad and mom--if anything goes wrong, we'll just freakin' leave."

"Uh-huh, whatever you say Mihira..."

Passed down from father, to son, and finally granddaughter, a certain pocket watch has found its way into a young Wayfinder's possession. It was told to her that the watch does not function in 'their' world--only in a seperate plane is the watch able to carry out its normal functions. With said plane only able to be accessed by fully fledged Wayfinders, this young woman is determined to sate not only her wanderlust, but to also bring closure to a small, yet intriguing chapter to the lives of two men belonging to a previous generation.
As spoken by the young woman beforehand, the plan is truly simple in theory. Using the rule of sympathy in magic, a Wayfinder must merely utilize the familiarity imprinted on the object to create a portal to the location significant to it. From there, they must follow where the path leads.
One could only hope the dangers are few.

Characters: Mihira Whitemane, Ilari Whitemane, and 4 other attendees.
Tone: Whimsical, Adventure
Risk: Low Chance of Death
Rewards: Can be discussed with DM
DM: mal
Discord: krews#2619
a dm has been found [Image: literally_me.png]
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