ShelpiesA fool who could only love...
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The world detests you but they do not know,
When they gaze upon you only do they see a foe,
How many have sat and listened to your wisdom?
Though I do not agree, though I wish to protect my freedom--

I know within you is not hatred,
You represent the duality all the same,
Destruction is not all that you've coveted,
Yet they seek yours for just a touch of fame.

That is why I must continue to oppose you,
For were you to die by their hands,
There would be no meaning to it,
So I will be your opponent that protects these lands,

Test them to your heart's content,
And know that your purpose I do not resent,
Forevermore will I fight to defend,
And if all is as the Gods intend--

If the words you speak of become the truth,
If those by my side and behind were to stab my back--
Then willingly would I choose to fall and crack,
Ironic that you, too, simply wish to protect me from the flock,
Is that not right, ███████?
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To care and to rear is much harder than one might expect,
The sleepless nights, not due to the nightmares, but due to the soft cries of your child;
The hunger, not due to the lack of food, but due to the necessity of watching over your beloved child while the other eats before it is your turn,
The exhaustion, accidentally falling asleep with work yet unfinished as the soothing face of their sleeping self lulls you to sleep...

Our relationship may not have been perfect, with its own imperfections,
Our harshest fight that nearly rent us apart,
Our differences in views and in very composition of our being;
Yet what we watch over is the culmination of our efforts, of our love.

Our child.

Through money we've hired nannies to take care of our beloved child,
But even then I find myself rushing home,
I find myself becoming a human as soon as I step through the door,
So that I can watch over our child myself,
So that I can carry with my arms the softest and most precious thing we've ever made together:

Our future.

Hush now, little one,
I am here to watch over you.
If you've nightmares that are frightening,
Know that papa will light up the whole Helheim if it meant making sure you sleep well.
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