DandeliCall For A Pirate Party (Yipee!)
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Rough parchment looks as though it has survived millennia.
In theory, it is botched, homemade, wood grain seeping through it's half-translucent nature.
What is nigh opaque, however, is the thickly lathered on ink of navy blue.
A five-star ink, gold standard, as was foretold by a panel of judges in Eastern Sheng.
It is hammered solely on the doors and shore(s) of The Driftword Concord, spritzed generously across the floors of the isle surrounded by bottomless blue.
There are some that hang for their dear lives on the edge of half-wettened rain pipes. Some are half-buried in the long-lived, age-old sand.
A hermit crab has even made his home out of one of the crumpled defects. He is depicted above.
"Hello all!
In times recent, after the ripples of war have sunken to sea level, many have gathered here.
Be it through getting washed ashore twice, trailing after glory in the name of familial achievement, or merely carving out newfound independence under this banner, there is no greater glue to bond people than understanding!
I invite you all to spill your tales around a bonfire.
Make no delay in bringing your grandest life tale; be it full of boiled thrill, chilled and bottled melancholy, stinging and sour treachery, or anything else!
If you bring an item of grand significance, all the better!
Let us exchange a part of what has formed us into the people we are today.
And in so doing, raise a toast for the too-soon departed Fritz!

Dress Code: Your most pirate-like attire. Untied boots recommended.
Time: A day that doesn't rain.
[Saturday 3PM EST i think]
Location: The Driftwood Concord
Raiding: The Stories In Nilhirra Pirate Brains
*changes this to SUNDAY 3PM EST*
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