DazzerThe Whistle In The Winds...
[Image: Forest1green_2.png]
A wind seemingly creeps through the Shadowlands, carrying with it a bone-chilling cursed whistle. As if something, or someone was calling out, echoing through the lands. For those of demon blood, they'd hear the archaic, accursed words that were weaved into the whistle.
"Abendrot has fallen, and I care not for your feelings. We shall not make the mistakes that they have. For Ebonhold's morals shall be standing strong, not wavering to the influx of depravity coming it's way. 
Our home, raised through the efforts of none of you; is not your retreat. If you come, you will work for the Plague Lands. You will not be turning this into a second Abendrot.
With this in mind, ANYONE who seeks refuge within Ebonhold, must undergo re-education with me.
Otherwise, do not bother coming."

All of those whom heard the words, knew it's source. It was none other than the Drakanite Warlock; Pity.

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