PillowChalkA Kitsune's Memoirs
"A family's love,
and sunlight is what's needed,
for this kit to grow
as wind rustles wheat,
on the hunt in my shadow,
only a black fox,
'Won't you join my side?'
I offer my tiny hand,
your presence divine."

Hiero 04, 20XX

Dear Diary,

It's sorta dumb I'm having to keep my record of personal inner thoughts and feelings behind one of the toilets in the bathroom, but to make sure a certain sister of mine doesn't get hold of prime teasing material then it's worth it. And don't worry, I've made sure to place a plastic covering to ensure there isn't any pee spots or anything to stain it. I've seen the aftermath of the toilet seats when one of the male servants uses it, and I wonder do they even try to aim at the seat? Yuck!

So anyways! I dragged Miss Lazy along to go wandering because as her bigger-er sister, it's important to make sure she gets some exercise and socialize so she doesn't end up a recluse like our distant cousin, Suzumiya. During the holidays when our large family gathers for a reunion, the servants are given the authority to give Suzumiya the ultimatum of either leaving her room or she won't be given supper; by some accounts, one would have to verify with magic to make sure it was the real one or just a illusion clone by her magic when they saw her in the kitchens. I don't want Zushi to become like that.

But to my surprise, she actually took to wandering abouts well. We ran into my friend Rwover and her friend-room-friend Hakan in Aphros and the four of us went around aimlessly. It's much more fun with more company! Then later on, one of us got the idea to try sparring one another ... I didn't realize how strong Zushi is, but it only fuels my need to get stronger. She teases about beating me up now whenever I get on her nerves. With her fishing rod, at that!

That brat. Her and Rwover have the same idea for the future, which is they don't know what to do regarding it. But Hakan and I have some goals we're working upon like with him finding some kind of Kindling? The memory escapes me but something else about a sacred flame? I kept it to myself, but I'd like to imagine he is gonna use it to grill some sacred steaks or something to offer to the gods. What a glorious meal it would be!

Zushi and Rwover both have separate halves of my own ambitions. For Suzushi, I've told her my interest in being Solstice for The Chosen Flame. I know mom is in it, but who'd I go to get initiated? I know Mom is apart of it, though ... would I go to her and ask? For the latter, I've expressed my interest in gaining eight extra tails and be as close to enlightenment as I can to Jiuweihu!

But how'd you do that, Suzuna you might ask ... hehehe, well just as our ancestors had trekked the sacred mountain to free the goddess from her imprisonment, I also must engage in several endeavors to earn each one! I'm thinkin' the rites and practices for the Chosen Flame might gain me a tail or two, but what I really formulated are several virtues I think will yield to my goals!

A journey of sacrifice, the ultimate form of love. Others embodying some of the Shenghese imperial virtues like wisdom, benevolence, and courage. Reverence to our ancestors in some kinda way-- maybe visiting the sacred mountain? How many is that? Like, seven? The rest are still a work in progress, okay?! I'm only twelve!

So I'll grit my teeth and bare with my mediocrity now, but in due time I'll be the one laughing at the top of the mountain with a cool glowy backdrop supporting my darling littler sister, Zushi. Cause at the end of the day, family has to stick together like how the reeds must grow in the water.

You'll help me too, right Jiuweihu?
"A messenger comes,
through the spindly threads of fate,
yip yip! Goes the fox."
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