OhverrideBetween the Black Jaws of Death
[Image: Black_Lotus_Flower.png]

I think my eyes are opening again. How long was it?
The black wolf's howl.
Days of sea-travel makes me sick. I think I had that dream again.
I hear it calling to this sad place.
Why does my head hurt so much? I think this place will be nice.
It needs something to help it. It needs my help. It's stagnant.
I feel like nothing is inside.
An empty vessel. I can help. I can be filled. There is nothing behind my eyes.
I miss everyone, but there's new people here, too.
I just need to be stronger.
I'm hungry. My mouth is dry. I'm tired. I just wish it would stop.
It was their fault. It was their fault. It was their fault.
But that's okay, I think I can keep going.
I won't let it ever happen again.
I need to. So things can be beautiful and pretty.
They take it all for granted.
I won't be tricked by their fake niceness. Their smiles.
It has to all come down for them to realize. Come crumbling down.
They are blind to the problems until pretending stops working.
Or maybe they just don't know how...
Because now I know how...
To read between the lines....
My name is Kehellion. I think I know where I am...
Isn't this Meranthe...?
[Image: the_black_lotus_by_steamhat_dajfz6m-fullview2.jpg]

I just got here and it hurts so bad.
I met a girl. I hate her, but she wants me to like her.
Why does she want that? She says it's to cook.
I guess I can't help but like her a little bit.
She has nice teeth. I'll fight her another time maybe.
A nice alchemist. Some pirates.
Strange place. This is a strange place.
I saw a demon. It saw me. It wanted my eyes.
I didn't let it. It wanted to take them.
The takers. The takers. I hate takers.
They take and take. Until there's nothing left.
Then they throw you aside.
It hurts. It hurt me. It cut me with it's eye.
It burns really bad. Even after that doctor looked at it.
I want to rip that thing apart.
I guess when I'm stronger I can.
I'm hungry again.
It hurts.
I have to stand out. A visionary, the demon called me.
How can I make it more than just vision?
My head hurts from thinking so much.
The grass is comfy. I think I'll just sleep for now.
That sounds nice.
[Image: Sad_Lotus.png]

I want to fix this place. Not hurt people I like.
It's not the same thing. It isn't.
I keep getting hurt over dumb things.
I felt like I could've won. I think I think...
I think I could've. I didn't WANT TO.
It was easier to be alone because I didn't hurt people.
But I hate being alone.
I'm only thirteen.
I don't think this is normal.
I don't think I'm very normal...
But I think I knew that.
As I get stronger I realize I might be turning into something scary.
It might be good.
I don't want to be alone, though. That's scarier.
But I have to do this, too...
It's never been fair.
That doesn't mean it should be unfair all the time...
I liked cooking. I liked... Hanging out and talking about nothing.
I can't have that.

One day I guess I'll get strong enough to take it.
[Image: 19015e6f8c10b4b43280b6f3d58feee9.jpg]
I'm waking up again.
My stomach hurts.
I left because I felt like I needed to.
I needed to be out there, I needed to suffer some more.
But I feel like I've lost myself.
I'm going to come home anyways, I think.
Nobody will know who I am. For now.
I will lose myself in this violent dance.
Oh, so fun, so fun.

Deep down, a part of me wants someone to save me.
From myself.
But they'll have to hurt me, I think.
There is no woodsman in this story.
Just the wolves.
I am coming home.
It will be me.
You will have to tear me out.
I am coming home.

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