caesoThe Golden Horde
[Image: TheGoldenHorde.png]
The western reaches of Meranthe were once an area without civilized life before the encroachment of walled cities and organized society. Legends pass freely among the dunes of Steppe Raiders: nomadic tribes who build no cities of their own, and who live off only what is taken from the land, and from those who are forced to pay tribute to the Guardian Spirit. These people represent a collection of tribes who refer to themselves colloquially as “Magyars,” assembled from an ancient conglomeration of tribes that had been broken and corralled by the encroachment of militarized city-states. While many are of racially diverse stock, circumstances have forced them to gather together under one Golden Banner; vesting their interests alongside the longest-standing Meranthine tribes.

That being: the golden banner of the black-winged Dunedrake, Tzernobog.
And the clans that carries his likeness in their blood - Hunyati, Kerekes, among ancient others.

They migrate consistently from place to place, and are highly unfriendly to outside interaction. Humans or otherwise who cross their land are expected to offer tribute; those who come from modernized, military city states outright attacked. It is not unusual for them to be willing to make deals or to act as mercenaries, should a generous amount be offered to sway them.


The Magyar practice Shamanistic veneration of the Spirits of the Silent Expanse & nature at large: they view the Dunedrake, Tzernobog, as the natural King of Meranthe’s reflection in the spirit world. As a result of this veneration of spirits, they are strictly opposed to modern civilization or settled towns. Beastkin are seen as direct manifestations of the Spirits and the Divine Beasts, and are naturally viewed as spiritual guides to the children of the Drake.

Religious rites include tributes of gold to the Drake, blood and offerings of sustenance to the spirits, the carving of totems to denote the presence of spirits and how they are tied to ones’ clan and ancestors. Active prayer is not a very deep facet of the religion, preferring action and force to display adherence to the Dunedrake & Divine Spirits than words. The Dunedrake in particular is reputed as a greedy, gold-devouring spirit, so there are often pilgrimages to bring him great wealth as a means of appeasement for his continued blessing upon the many tribes that compromise the Horde.

Cultural Notes:

While devoutly religious, the Tribe (excepting the veneration of Tzernobog) ubiquitously offers to the thousands of spirits that comprise the Nameless Expanse. They represent all aspects of nature: from death and dehydration, to sunlight, sheer wind, and the warmth of fire. Shamans may choose to represent all, one, or a selection of these Spirits ubiquitously.

Demons are viewed as angered spirits whose rage has been invoked by Mankind’s conduct against the natural world. They are not overtly hostile to them and hold little interest in the affairs of the wider world unless attacked. Mercenary behaviors - selling one’s sword - is an expected, day to day fact of life. The Tribes are fighting a battle for survival against the harshness of the desert and dwindling resources. Very rarely will an Outsider have any help from a Magyar that they have not paid for: but they are quick to offer their service at a price.

They are not intolerant of the worship of Primordials, but largely have no relation or interest in them: they live and die by the whims of the local spirits of the desert. Djinn, Ifrit, and elementals are more often the subject of their fascination. Magyar are xenophobic and distrustful of those who do not live off the land and doubly so of anyone who has settled on the Silent Expanse without paying accord to the Divine Spirits who look over the western reaches of Meranthe.

Chattel slavery is socially acceptable & vaguely commonplace, though some sentiment has turned against it in recent years.

Social roles:
Khan - Selected upon the death of their predecessor by vote of tribe Dragonblooded & Shamans.
De facto representative of the Horde & traditionally the Chieftain of one of the Magyar tribes - must always be Pureblooded.
Venerated - Exclusively Drakanites who are caste members of one of the clans that compose the Horde. It is unheard of for a Human or Beastkin to be at this station: they are internally considered a form of nobility. While they are not necessarily oppressive, their superiority as the Dunedrake’s Chosen is known to them.
White Shamans - Representatives and speakers of Animist spirits: almost entirely trained and reared from Beastkin casts, believing that they are closer to the primordial spirits of the land than Humans. White Shamans are traditional Spiritmancers, communing with the Elementals of the Silent Expanse and the Divine Beasts for their favor. 
Keshig - Equivalent of a personal military retinue, usually headed by a Champion of Dragonblooded origin selected by the reigning Khan. May include Humans & unconventionally Beastkin.
Black ShamansExplicitly wielding the power of malign spirits, Black Shamans are seen as an appeasement to the cruelty of the wilderness. They are viewed with fear and superstition but not hunted or persecuted; expected to wield their spiritual power instead against their foes.
Clansmen - Humans & Beastkin who are not directly Keshig or Shamans: generally considered a lower caste of peoples, though in a paternal, protective sense. They are the main stock of the population, as the Drakanite population is a sparsely populated Ruler-caste.
Outsiders & Slaves - On the same rung of society; outsiders with no affiliation and captured Human chattel are both viewed as equally beneath the tribes. People who have been deprived of their connection with the spirits are viewed as soulless husks of people.
Trial by Blood - taking on one to three members of the clan in succession, win or loss; forced to continue battling, though the pass or fail condition is not explained to them. Failure is only in running from the fights or refusing to continue until the others have been satiated regarding their courage.
Trial by Fire - Acquisition of a valuable resource or something of spiritual significance to be offered to the spirits & Tzernobog.
Blood Brother Ritual - Someone taking direct responsibility for the inducted member in the event they grievously disappoint the Clan. Any punishment upon one will be reflected on the other, but after this they are considered fully fledged members.

Naming Scheme:
Turkic- and Slavic inspired names. Lots of -bogs, and -imir.
Mongolian conventions also accepted.

(05-08-2023, 10:47 AM)OOC Subnote Wrote: Feel free to DM caeso#7798 if you're curious or thinking about making a character with a backstory tied into it!
Escaped slaves, members of one of the old tribes, or entirely new clans under the banner of the Horde are all pretty welcome in general.
There's a small, informal nomadic settlement and a pretty large group of active players already roaming around!
With the Silent Expanse becoming a public spawnpoint and the first wave of PCs settling down, it's freely welcome for anyone interested to make as a member of an old Magyar clan or a general tribe.

Feel free to DM me for questions or to talk about ideas, though it's not necessary! Anyone is welcome so long as they follow the general theme.
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