BluebirdHeavenly Blossoms
[Image: heavenly_blossoms.png]
2083 AC
New year, new Meranthe,
Change is upon us, as the last year has been unruly to the whole peninsula.
Humanity is in preparation to face the next challenges to meet in their Lives. And so is the Heavenly Blossoms Church.
Early in the new year, the Councilor of Healing Svengalf Sandsker is inviting the initiates to gather together for a short meeting together to follow the progress and experiences of the initiates. It will be a time for socialisation, to gather thoughts in the current events, and then continue with the next lessons on how to manipulate cultivated Faith for rites.
The other members of the Church are welcome to join if they desire to assist in the discussion and lessons.
FRIDAY 10/06/2023
[Image: heavenly_blossoms.png]
2084 AC
At the time when the new year approaches, where winter settles, the Heavenly Blossom Church calls upon its member to gather together to discuss of the next plans together, and organize for the future sermons and ceremonies to hold.
All ranks are invited to come.
Sunday 10/15/2023
[Image: heavenly_blossoms.png]
2087 AC
Last years, the Final Frontier has welcomed new residents. Either strangers from other places, or refugees of war. As once were the streets calm in their daily routine, the words and rumors of the recent events in the Peninsula raise loud concern and worries among the crowd. Long standing figures have been present to reassure the populace. But the concerns only seem to grow louder and restless.
To reassure the crowd and prepare the populace for the future to come, the Heavenly Blossoms Church announce a new alacritan sermon to be happening soon. A sermon in the goal to spiritually prepare, soothe and fortify the people.
The subject of the sermon will be about "Solidarity" and the "importance of Faith" in these daring times.
A prayer will then follow, followed next with the recruitement of potential new initiates, and promotions.
Exceptionnally : this sermon will be held around Solais, the Tree of Hope.
Saturday 10/28/2023
[Image: heavenly_blossoms.png]
2087 AC
The Fifth alacritan sermon had concluded some months ago. Crowd from different regions have attended close to Solais. Despite less numerous than othersermons, tt seems that overall, many of the attendee have left with a newfound hope in these trying times !
The sermon has concluded with the following promotions :

Akkor Hibiscea is now a Disciple, part of the Order of Scholars, for his motivation and interest to learn and understand our world better. He is also authorized of executing priestly duties, such as oaths, blessings, sanctifications, and assist in festivals.

Hina Lam has also been granted the title of Disciple, part of the Order of Protectors, for her proactive dedication to defend the virtues of Life. 
Altough, with her responsabilities as the Chancellor of the Illuminated, she is officially a Laywoman of the Heavenly Blossom Church. Meaning she is not held by responsabilities of the Church, but still may assist with the alacritan's sermons should she wishes for and remains a close mutual ally.

Arista has been granted the rank of Disciple, part of the Order of Healing, for her dedication to soothe and help people's souls in needs.
Unfortunately, the Heavenly Blossoms Church is saddened to announce that Arista has been captured during her meditative journey, as it was said during the sermon.
But yet, her deeds and efforts have not gone unnoticed. Before her departure, Arista left a biography of her life, retracing her journey to become an alacritan intiate. Once the book is finished from the press, one copy may be found in the library of the Church.

Until the next sermon or festival is announced, efforts are still made to search for her. Clues lead that she is still alive in Meranthe. Any information or help that can trace her location is greatly appreciated.
[Image: heavenly_blossoms.png]
2102 AC
It has been many years that the Heavenly Blossom Church has not made any public announcement. Altough, its activity never has ceased. Meranthe could have found detachements of the Church acting as benevolents samaritans through the Peninslla to assist the population to recover from the different wars and conflicts.
Altough in these two last years, oddities have been noticed within the Lifestream. At first, the defeat of a necromantic ritual has brought bountifull harvests through the lands, allowing the population to sustain to their heart's content and stock reserves. And now, something has disrupted the Lifestream, like a river flood with strength currents. Solais, the Tree of Hope, shows the consequence of such disorder. In the 40 years the Tree has been standing in the Final Frontier, the population has never witnessed a condition like this, nor with the worrying sickly appearance of the Keeper.
The Clergy of Alacritas doubles down on activity, reaching for the population to reassure them. And among this activity, a sermon is to be announced, hosted by the Radiant and Grand Curator Svengalf Sandsker.
The subject of the sermon will be about "the Lifestream and its cycles" and the "importance of Faith".
A prayer will then follow, followed next with the recruitement of potential new initiates, and promotions.
Thursday 01/25/2024
2112 AC
Some years have passed since the Divination ritual. And it has been 10 years since the last sermon. Yet, the clergy never rests, travelling within Meranthe to assist those in need.
But the situation has become dire. Region wide turmoils of chaotic energies have surged through, causing damage to the environnement and to the living, in the middle of the different conflicts. Be it, with the attempt of purifying Catildre. The environnemental disruptions coming from the sky. The attempted purification of the Mount Grimjhall. It has left scars on many.

But after these battles, there needs a time to mend the wounds. And this is what brings the call from the Radiant of Alacritas, Svengalf Sandsker.

He speaks publicly within the hill where Solais stands, as drones record his message and travels to the allied settlements of the Final Frontier to share the call.
Quote:People of Meranthe,
Chaos still persists in our lands, as we fight and stand to protect and preserve ourselves and our world from its corrupting influence. It scrambles our beliefs, sowing doubts in ourselves from believing what is truth.
But I know together, we are able to reaffirm our beliefs as we always have stood like when we were challenged by Catildre.
I welcome those interested to join in this communal prayer to preserve and mend the Order brought by the Creation. Be a simple faithfull, a priest or even a radiant. Those who wish to provide their own prayer can also bring their own incense. Even if our beliefs may be different as long as you respect and worship the different forces from the Creation, it will be a display at how we may combines those different strengths in a healthy balance.

Following this communal prayer, an attempt to cleanse the injuries of those marked by Chaos will be made, in the same way we healed Solais with the powers of Harmony. As for example, the Chancellor Hina Lam who stood to prevent Chaos from corrupting the Mount Grimjall as it took a toll on her health.
Any Radiant, or Priest accompagnied with a doctor, may attempt to bring their own contribution and ressources to attempt healing their woundeds with the influence of Harmony conjured by the ritual.
Results may vary, but if you have any thing that may ward or heal from Chaos, such as a Moonstone shard, it may be helpfull.

I am looking forward to meet you. This will be a moment of respite for all of the faithfull in Meranthe to reinforce your faiths.
Sunday 03/31/2024
6:30 PM EST
2112 AC
The end of the year approaches. Spring is about to leave its place for Summer. Little did we know that after a successfull ritual to cleanse those touched by Chaos, the forces aligned to Hel decide to strike accross the Peninsulla.
As the troops and the magi stand to repel this raise of dangers, others shelter themselves, powerless to defend.
And yet, even among the Meek, it is always possible to contribute in the effort, like how Alacritas stood behind the lines to protect and save the innocents as Pylae lead his warriors against the Fel.

The Radiant of Life, Svengalf Sandsker, announces a forum for people to gather and discuss about the events, meet people, and find respite in the warmth of the small village. But the most important, the Radiant will stand to offer prayers, guidances and recomforts to the people seeking for help and directions. This will also be an occasion for those interested in the Faith around Alacritas, the Constant of Life, to come and ask about her.

The clergy will serve food to the guests for free, as an act of charity.
The location of this forum will be at the Carnation District, north of the Final Frontier.

Thursday 4/04/2024
5:00 PM EST
Quote:With the smaller than expected crowd gathered today, the audience was way shorter and quick than anticipated. In result, it was wrapped fast.

OOC : Going to move it to another day as something else happened.
2132 AC
One year has passed since the disappearance of Azalea Aubreen since her call of the Pantheon. 
With it, what once was a beacon of Light within the Final Frontier, Solais stands withered.
The faithfull of the Heavenly Blossom Church, be magi or non magi, scatter to react to these events. 
One third of them remained in the Carnation District, still assisting the scholars and the drones to physically sustain the remains of Solais, with all means possible. 
Another third leaves on a diaspora across the continent, sharing the tenets of Life and Hope to inspire the words of the Constants upon the living. 
And the last one moves to assist Arcadia, where the faith of Azalea and Harmony is now located and assist with recovering on Azalea's legacy, in hope of potentially indirectly helping with the restoration of Solais.
The Radiant and Champion of Life, Svengalf Sandsker, last remaining highest graded member of the Church, coordinated this movement after a tumultuous year of preparation and mourning for the loss endured. But near the shore of the Final Frontier, on a boat, that he declares the following.
My dear friends of Meranthe,

As much as I wanted more time to properly prepare these words and this year, I announce that I will be taking part of a journey of 2 years to help ressourcing myself, and connect with my roots.

Many of you know how much the recent losses have affected me personally. As much as I am aware of the struggles everyone in Meranthe is facing. As much as I want to help all of you, there is a saying that clarity of self is what allows to see others'.

The faithfull of the Church will continue to support the best they can, either in coordination of the Proto-Institute or with the Faith of Harmony within Arcadia to help protecting the legacy of Azalea. I will ask then my followers to be mindfull of the crests you hold upon their religious outfits to not cause trouble withi the nation you represent. You have sworn an oath to Life or Hope, but it does not make you above the local laws.

For any religious inquiries, you may reach my latest initiate Sacilia Ueda who is baptized under the Lotus of Life, and I am confident with her ability to give solace shall you need a prayer or counselling.
Otherwise, for any inquiry about Azalea, you may ask Eleos and Mitra within Arcadia.

I pray for your safety while I am away, I am looking forward to return here with a renewed spirit !
And on these words, the Elder Lapine was seen to sail to the horizon.

OOC : IRL Vacations happening. I won't be able to log ingame normally as I won't have a PC available. But I am still reachable on Discord meanwhile !

Have fun all :)
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