uncatastrophicSet-Time Daily/Weekly Resets
I posted this in the small suggestion thread but I think it does deserve its own thread.

Currently, daily and weekly EXP and quests are repeatable in a set amount of time after they're finished.
However, as people often do not do them instantly when required, the time ends up slipping later and later in the day until it ends up out of the time where someone can play and they miss time. Additionally, if someone is only able to play at an unusual earlier time for a day, they will also miss that day.

If these were to reset at a set time every day such as midnight GMT, it would make things more reliable and allow for people to play at different times more easily.

If this is implemented, it would probably also be wise to put Gift of Gab on a set-time ending synced with quests, so as to not give an advantage to any particular playing time when using that potion.
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
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