HealsNo more 100% RBs or high RPL boosts.
My personal opinion on 100% rebirths and app boosted characters...

1. 100% Rebirths should be applicable if someone is sacrificing their main to apply for another faction. Otherwise, 75% Rebirths are good enough imo.

2. I'll never agree with apped characters with an RPL head start. There is no repercussions to applying for one. You don't lose your main. You get to have a free 160-200 RPL rebirth depending on the start if you ever get bored of the character. It also supports a game where alts will drastically increase, which, as someone with an alt addiction and constant indecision... Is a bad, bad thing.

Hypothetical Example:

Person A is a Councilor of Moonfall.
A new faction pops up! Wowie! You can apply for a 160-200 RPL character. Likely dependent on the quality of your application!
Person A apps for a fresh character, starting at age 20-23, gets approved as a leadership role with a 190-200 RPL start.
Person A starts playing their Councilor of Moonfall less, and less, and less.
Oh No! Moonfall is attacked... By the same faction Person A just made a 200 RPL alt to play in!
Person A has to pick between new leadership character or moonfall character.
Person A picks their new leadership character.
Attack becomes subpar because as it turns out, Person A wasn't the only person who apped for an alt, a lot of moonfall people did!
Thus they had to pick between two characters and chose the one they're having the most fun with.

in short? Any application that gives free RPL should come with a caveat. A forced 100% rebirth. A retirement of their supposed 'Main' character. Otherwise it's just going to fill the game with the same people and their alts, and end with a very split up community.
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
^ yes forced rb
No high ranking free char to complement your other char in whatever city
(02-04-2020, 04:12 PM)Volatile Wrote:
(02-03-2020, 05:27 AM)TheHipster Wrote: 100% Rebirths? bad

75% Rebirths? Good

Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
100% Rebirths should only. Only. ONLY EVER.
Happen to characters who had a really shitty death, but their death got spread too quickly for admins to really retcon it. his should only be given as a 'shit dude were sorry this happened but we wanna make it up to you without fucking over ic'

New factions should only spawn in with their leaders being around 200 RPL. Everyone else should spawn in at 150 or under. Even rebirths. At best, give them an intermediate hidden or two on top of the 150. But unless they are meant to be a leader, they shouldn't go higher than a 75% rebirth.
Fuck no, 100% rebirths shouldn't exist at ALL.  75% rebirths are okay, not all that bad.... BUT WHEN YOU HAVE A LEGION OF PEOPLE WITH 75 AND 100% REBIRTHS? Not just two or three? It becomes a shitfest. People will create a build that fits the meta like this was the days of crystal and go hard.
[Image: GLORIOUS_GIF.gif]
I don't mind the RBs, at least people worked for those already.

It's people who get free rpp at like 150+ just for apping while I had to start from 1 rpl that bothers me a bit.
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