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[Image: guildpost1.png?width=1310&height=676]

Posters are property of TAG. All rights reserved.

The adventurer's guild is getting quite some traction and stock value is at an all-time high! Locals of Dal'Thala are raving about how a guild of heroes brazenly marched onto villain territory to rescue a prisoner. TAG HR has already instructed employees to pin posters on popular notice boards across Meranthe. A statement from Paula talks about all the amazing details from the guild's most recent adventure, including an exclusive response from Alpha Libre, the hero who led the march! 

Take a quick look at the highlights.. BUT FIRST!

Come shop at Ninja Things in Dal'Thala square, home of affordable goods!

[Image: shiori.png]

                       - Rescued Perkalas (a.k.a Kala) from the villains! 
- Casualties Reported.            
                                                 - Involved adventurers receive free artificing services from Tristinia.

It just goes to show that heroism pays off!
Here's Paula's post-adventure
 chat with Alpha Libre:

[Image: paulatext1.png]

[Image: al1.png]

The official statement from TAG states that Alpha Libre was only 75% charged. He was deployed early due to the urgency of the matter. Thankfully, his fellow heroes managed to ensure the success of the mission. Following this latest adventure, TAG is hosting a press conference in Dal'Thala where anyone can ask its members questions about them or their goals. However, with the adventurer's guild having made some enemies due to this latest mission, some people think this won't go too smoothly...

Dal'Thala Press Conference Public Event
[Image: 35325435.png] Posters and graphics are a property of TAG all rights reserved.

A battle of pure passion as the fiery spirits of the youth manage to overcome the darkness, and topple The Demon King's great Obelisk. This was unfortunately not without consequences. While The Adventurers Guild suffered no losses, their allied forces were not as lucky. Missing on the ride home was Servilia Bellator. Along with a sudden disappearance of Astraea Thesis. It is said that officials are investigating, and that there will be a squad assembled specifically for the search and retrieval of the two Dorian warriors.

In Other News!

A new project is in the works! A home for heroes, and easy going people alike, that will be home to a Dojo, Library, and much more. TAG will be be launching a rehabilitation program for troubled individuals! Stay tuned for more info, with the death of the tower, comes the flowers of progress.

Sadly this isn't all good news. Co-Leader, founding member, and friend of all Ceres has resigned from TAG turning in their things and moving on. Meaning that there is a leadership spot open, and looking to be filled. She will be missed!

The Public event is still on! In dire need of a DM! So please reach out to me, via discord Kashimo#1781
[Image: colette.png]
[Image: Untitled-1.png] Posters are a property of The Adventurers Guild all rights reserved

The Dorian leader, mighty colossi, and friend to many; Servius had been on a tear. He fought against the brunt of Meranthe's most fel forces alongside Hero; The Enforcer, and Vaso the mighty! Their efforts would make such a ripple across the world that Sheol had offered to release Servilia. With that in mind, the search was halted. Much is unknown about the terms of the deal that had been made between the two, but the world now knows just how capable the Dorian Warmaster truly is!

[Image: image_1.png] 

While out on a mission for client Mia, Altair encountered a demon, and the famed Mero; The Fastest Magi on Meranthe. Somehow, someway TAG's very own Altair was able to defeat both, and even capture the demon. This however wouldn't stay a secret as he was immediately contacted by those who held the Dorian captive, Servilia was offered in exchange for said demon. Altair would then make the trade thus bringing home the Dorian! We of TAG would like to congratulate Altair for his amazing service, and highlight his achievements as he has been a great help to our cause.

[Image: image.png]
Interviewer: "Why didn't you kill the Demon upon capture?"
Altair: "I didn't kill it because I wanted to bring it someone first. It's just luck that I got the letter when I did!"

Interviewer: "What is your history with the occult, and why do you wield it?"
Altair: "I had a terrible encounter with the mentioned demon, and since then, I've been an unlucky practitioner. I've been diligently working towards becoming 'normal' again."

Interviewer: "What are your plans moving forward?"
Altair: "My plans for the future involve continuing my journey as a member of the Adventurer's Guild. It's, uh, quite a daunting path for someone like me, but being part of the guild has exposed me to various experiences and challenges that I never thought I'd face."

Interviewer: "Do you enjoy your work? Why?"
Altair: "Yeah, of course I do. I get to do awesome stuff like this! But honestly, the best part is just being able to reunite her with her family."

[Image: Capture.PNG]

Raithe's Call to Arms!
Attention to TAG members, while you are not under orders to go on dangerous missions/raids/war, Raithe asks for your assistance with his and Servius' plan to take back Vdalion.

In Other News!
The search for the new co-leader has ended. Altair will take his twin sister's place as the new Co-Lead of TAG. His efforts have been great, and it is well deserved. However! He is not allowed to take on this position fully until he has been completely cleansed of his occult, or has mastered it to the fullest. Money and resources are still being gathered, as things are looking to be good for those of The Adventurers Guild.
[Image: colette.png]
[Image: projectsky.png]
[Image: desk3.png]

Multiple pamphlets are spread throughout the land, all sponsored by the adventurer's guild. Construction crews and transport carriages are seen crossing the southern bridge all day and all night, transporting vital building resources and food. Some members of the adventurer's guild have been stationed at the new spot, tasked to oversee operations west of where the former obelisk used to be.

Here is the official statement, approved by Paula from HR!

The adventurer's guild is moving! As our guild grows, it becomes less and less feasible to run the operation out of Keku's apartment. By pooling together our resources, we are building a new HQ, as well as other important infrastructural additions to our guild. With the expansion of the guild, we plan to increase our recruitment rates once more, inviting all ambitious adventurers to come have a chat with one of the higher ups.

Should you wish to contribute to the new project directly, or join, please speak to Loki, Keku, or Altair.

Here are some of the key additions to our expansion, ranked by priority:

1. Main HQ Tower
2. Keku's Research Center (more on that soon!)
3. Farming Sector
4. Medical Sector

With this expansion comes new employment and networking opportunities!

While we don't expect to have everything finished all at once, you can expect gradual advancements taking place at the HQ!

In other news. . . Melanthia and Elvyn Alinteau have resigned from their position at TAG, as their duty to their city comes first. Relations are still good! Thank you for your service, you two!

Come see where your next adventure takes you. Come build a hero.

[Image: paula2.png][Image: paualsigned.png]

[Image: walk1horse.png]

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