MetriceGala's Call
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Gala’s Call
Quote:Many nights had been spent in meditation, many nights did I find my dreams driven towards a singular purpose. It called me, willed me forwards; yet I’d no idea where my journey would take me. That was until it was revealed, a vision; a flash of realization and a purpose. I was to climb to highest peak in all of Eternia- where that was became my obsession. All I’d manage to glean was an image, I could see that jagged horizon. Fate would not leave me in the dark, I’d come to meet another blessed in Gala’s will. They told me of a distant peak, one none seemed to recall.

Until now, I'd been speaking with many about the Frontier on the subject. Then, I broached one I saw at the ritual held in the ruins of Vdalion. There, I was given clarity thanks to Phoebe. They spoke of a distant peak, mount Chasris- because of this we’ve a location. Descriptions of that horizon, it was a perfect match. I know where I must go, I know whom is to accompany me. What we will find, I cannot say- and yet I go nonetheless. For our Lady Gala wills it, I her ever loyal servant will answer that call.

And so, the party would prepare. Gathering a surplus of supplies, various medicines, rations, and suitable attire for the frigid environment ahead. It would be no easy feat to scale that mountain, worse yet would the voyage towards Aen be. There were many oceanic miles separating their nations, the young Godling and his companions wouldn’t be deterred however. The route having been charted with utmost efficiency, ensuring their nautical stretch of the journey was the least of their woes.
What would trouble them further was the awe-inspiring sight of those peaks. Like daggers gracing the heavens they stood proud, gleaming in the morning’s light. To scale such a sheer rock-face would be a difficulty in and of itself, that was excluding whatever dangers may find them along the way.
Now, the brave few need only trudge their way towards the peak. To find whatever secrets Gala kept awaiting them, unbeknownst to our hopeful party there was more than a singular goal guiding this visit. Mt. Chasris, the highest peak in the whole of Eternia wasn’t only renowned for its mighty presence. Also, the deep introspective understanding it would gift its visitors. The connections it held to the spirit realm were high, much greater than most sacred sites. It was as if one was graced with their intent, the wayward whispers of lives long lost.
Much could be gleaned on this journey, much of oneself, of their purpose within the Grand design. More so, one could find who they truly were. Not what they were, their shape, their form, their demeanor and heritage. Rather, who they were- what their place truly was. To abandon desires and inhibitions, to be free in one’s reason for existence.
That, and more could be found amongst these peaks. What our party would find, was left to be seen.

Character: Proteus Equisol
Attendees: Left Anonymous
Theme: Highly spiritual and enigmatic. Like being lost within a shared dream, however distorted and kaleidoscopic. Like the fabric of reality twisting in on itself, collapsing only to be made whole. Very much going for high conceptual and metaphysical themes, like being lost in a reflection of reality; searching for something within that haze.
Reward: To be discussed further with DM.
DM: Still looking, will take up any DM who wants to act out the living dream-like vision.
Contact: TheMagicSword#8656
One brain cell shall be taking on this mission as DM.

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Oh, you poor, poor souls...

Listlessly, the wind whistles. As though the coming of the chosen was foretold.

For a moment, the world goes still. As though someone had forcefully
held the world in their hands, keeping it from spinning any longer.

Never-ending, one awaits the arrival of the inheritors of their will.

Waiting, and waiting, for a song that will never be sung.

I will release you from this pain.
Come. Be free.

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BloxDM has accepted this event.
After many attempts, complications and set-backs. I am closing this event. Thanks everyone for their interest, do take care!
"Perhaps it is fate.... Because a legacy unfinished... Shall be done. By those who would come after." -Phaedra Equisol and company are stealing this event... (Father gave his approval.)


We'll see.
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