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all invulns intermed is a banger

bring back 12 hotslots so i can only use it for shields :)
if i see one more cosmic user im going to have a fucking stroke
Invuls as intermediates would be nice, prevents dipping because that should be a crime, there are also ways these things can be re-worked imo.
A fun alternative would be making Shadow-Walk's duration shorter in exchange for making it immune to slows(or just making it shorter cause I'll be honest, it last pree long) Source: Played 3 shadow characters, currently has 2.
Nothing is actually wrong with this, maybe up the damage a bit otherwise, you can just ignore it when it's used. All that are really in danger of it hurting them are the AoE users, cannot begin to tell you how many times I've heard "How do you counter the floor!?" it's actually...hilarious. Really if it is an actual problem, could add an audio-que or maybe a better visual que for those that play with the game muted. Otherwise...pls buff damage?
The duration on this one could be lowered, otherwise it's a painful waiting game, though the AoE users are really the ones in danger of losing to this.
True Counter:
Ahahahaha...this ones fine, people just need to learn how to run away when they see it after they hit. I have seen...far...FAR too many people just stand RIGHT NEXT TO MFs WITH THE MINDSET OF "Ya gotta come out of that god block sometime bub!" only to get slammed by the weight of their own bad choices! And then they scream TK is BROKEN! No my friend, you just need to learn from your mistake! I do think what would solve whatever issue this has led to is an increase in CD. Thas it.
Cronos E:
This one isn't really too bad except on certain people, but since others can't fight those certain people at times I feel like taking away it's ability to attack while it's activated could fix that issue. Or you can just have it slow upon activation. Or just increase the CD of it.
People will get mad at me for this but there is seriously nothing wrong with this, you just need to not be so trigger happy when it's used. I know there are people who use it to high hell but there ain't too many unarmed users juuust yet. That being said, I do have a solution for this, but I have the worst feeling possible that people will still complain about it's existence: Give it two charges before it goes on cooldown. Each charge could have have that same cooldown. What does this do you might ask? It promotes a playstyle of "Should I or Shouldn't I?" where the unarmed demonstepper in question has two chances not eat shit when invoking the great 'die one-thousand deaths!' montage that only last for a second. This helps separate the good unarmed users from the bad ones that rely on it to get shit done, while also giving non-unarmed users a chance to not catch the hands of JUSTICE.

Iron Body:
Really...just get rid of it or make it into a shield. Demonstep is the better invul in a lot of ways. This is just Dplam without the D-- which stands for damage in this case. If it's a shield however, I recommend letting it move and making it so that the DR given is manageable like 15% or 20. Scales can shield stack so that would be...40%? Honestly that's not bad, I ran a shield stacking Drakanite and tbh it's not the worst thing to deal with. Also, for those that say Volcanic Barrier is the worst? I raise you one Iron Body. Also I think this weirdly makes you invisible? Get rid of that too if it's true, I just remember the Dorian boxer(I forgot his name I am the sorry) just disappearing when it was activated and by god did it trigger a war flashback!
Mist Form:
Just making it an intermediate solves whatever issue people have with it. This also solves the Winter's Mute + Mist Form issue that a lot of dippers are guilty of.
Same issue with Mist Form, minus the Winter's Mute issue. I do say maybe lower the damage from 5 to like 3.5? 4?
Volcanic Barrier:

Increase the cooldown maybe? Otherwise...part of the floor is lava and you just have to deal with it. It used to be worse when Magma Fist was GCE but now it's just protection from the dark arts(and also everything else). Like honest shit, you can bully someone to depression if you have a knockback, cause then you see a sad little magma turtle just sliding away from one of the two things that protects them from the almighty "fuck you button", and when they come out...they simply weep. Why is that so specific? I don't know what you're talking about-- IN CONCLUSION, not the worst invul, just a potential reason as to why daddy leaves for milk after a single danger loss.
Side Note: Magma Turtle as a demon...someone do this...someone this. I might do this...this sounds fun...I'll name him Scooter the demon.
Summon Invul:
Kill it Make it's duration a bit lesser than what it is now because it last for quite a while. Not saying gut it but, maaaybe lower it to the point of not being super annoying. Or increase the CD or both!
I think that's all of the invuls? Did I miss one? I don't think soooo?
Now, with all this being said, I still 100% agree that all of the invuls should be intermediate regardless. Prevents dipping, promotes better build diversity and stuff.
Tl;dr: Stuff and things. 
Also can we make Meteor Shower not last so long? Can we make the Obelisk have a cap on how many can be summoned? Maybe even decrease the healing ratio? Can Galeforce and Energy Burst stun on contact as they drag like the other drag spells? I mean lower the damage on them sure but let those poor spells eat without a whip! Can Sweeping Cleave not be the sacrificial lamb of Armed because of it's hitbox? Can-- [Insert casual rambling here]
In conclusion, tis my opinion but tbh, other than certain issues that others also have that I feel should be addressed in the future? Meh, I'll just have to play better. I think my only main issue when I lose is the occasional lag spikes that interrupts my flow in a fight...but I will overcome this weakness one day! Or I'll just get my ass kicked and potentially die, stay tuned!
Gut stuns/roots
Gut invulns
Slash DR's and sustain's kneecaps
Stat squish all these high SD spells
Too much power creep, it's time to GO BACK
im undergoing the process of realizing tht without any form of sustain my build is a sad sad thing that gives me crippling depression.

i miss reform the most bros...
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Man I 100% forgot about the obelisks.

I sure fucking love my game becoming touhou dodging 3 lots of omindirectional spells fired every second while my opponent sits invulnerable and is also being healed (These heals stack per obelisk).

If there are plans for more spells like this in the future, with setplays and summons like this, they need to be limited to there only being 1 in play at a time or something, honestly.
hey guys when will sound be fixed/made up to snuff with the rest of the game

melodic repose is still a 50/50 on if it'll do damage or confuse the enemy. (Buff its heal by 1 sd... let it cleanse and heal allies in pve... healing music...)

boom burst is still shockwave's depressed uncle who cant do anything right but hit rock bottom hard (Just make it do a slow at least)

Sound Burst is p.funny tho.

Sound Strike is good but maybe make it move faster...

Sound Aura is great
Sonar seems great
Cascade is great

Mastery, make it reset any sound spell RNG style. It isn't OP anymore okay.

why must the cutest trees suffer the most, my friends...?
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Please do whatever Silkiy asks they're owning themselves at mach speed and cannot stop.
Tbh some spells are powercrept, only some. We begged for too much damage we realized we made a crazy mess of relying on invuln stacks, one shot combos. Maybe im just saying stuff. Nerf. My. Opp. It doesnt matter how, but WHEN?!
These suggestions will change nothing. Resolving the only counter to 40k combos, is not the answer.

You can’t gut invulns and keep everyone in the capability of dying within 10 seconds of rpb start.

Instead? This subtle powercreep should be resolved in a different fashion;

By making vit 350hp, as opposed to the current 244.

All of the sudden? When these 1 shot combos are no longer instantly destroying people, running 3 bar slots as invulns will inevitably make someone weaker than with 1 invuln and 2 damaging spells to occupy said bar slots.

Stop fighting fire with fire and get the fucking water bucket already. Address the root cause here.
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