Poll: Which do you prefer?
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5 day years
29 30.21%
7 day years
67 69.79%
Total 96 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

Chance5 day years vs. 7 day years
i'm already on it

[Image: unknown.png]
What gives with this? Now that it's 25 years until decline instead of 30, it should still be 7 seven days.
We were owned, Mal.
We were so owned.
or make it 30 years until decline so you don't get less time when spawning young
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
(10-07-2023, 02:17 AM)Lammy Wrote: What gives with this? Now that it's 25 years until decline instead of 30, it should still be 7 seven days.

Been meaning to set it to 30.
7 day years allow for less stress to be on the system as a whole, in a good way.

People with work schedules will have more leniency. A decent chunk of the player base are people that struggle in that regard.

Staff will have more time to sort through things, presumably. With less annoyance and pressuring from a playerbase that feels more tightly time-constrained. If it takes a while to process something, it feels less disheartening to the person who is waiting.

Players will have more time and leniency for dev and scheduling. This makes for happier devers overall.

-And time still moves enough to feel flowing.

Etc. Etc.

I can see why it was a 30/70 split.

Soooo... 7 Days? If not, then at least 6 for compromise.
Twenty-two sectors tested.
Fragments in one direction.
Celestial noise detected.
Delirium unsuspected.
Static tuned into reason.
Time in the aether deepens.
Transmissions blink uncompleted.
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