09-20-2023, 02:01 AM
Long has your arrival been awaited with anticipation, your conjuring long foretold by generation after generation of witch.
Twenty years ago your existence was commanded, twenty years later a promise has finally been fulfilled.
From the depths of Helheim you have been brought to this plane for one purpose and one alone: to serve your Marquis and the coven you are sworn to. To keep their secrets as they will keep yours and above all...
Raise some Hel.
What are you?
- A Gamemaster Nethradin conjured from the depths of Hel. (Spawned with demon mechanics)
- Beginning at RPL 150
- Conjured from Mornith by the Dealmakers of Denath's Coven.
- Though you will not have witchcraft you will be inherently involved in coven affairs.
- Anything you may need will be provided for you, there are many crafters in the coven.
- You will be encouraged to bring prosperity to the coven whether that is assistance in their projects or fulfilling your role under Denath.
- You will hopefully have a neat sprite option!
- Mains are encouraged! This took lots of dev to get and we will collectively sob if you AFK.
If you are interested in applying, please fill out the form: