radioThe Spirit Beasts of Aetius' Lower Floors
It fills the sky with song, the winds around the slopes of Mount Pavonis, they whistle as they wrap around the Tower of Aetius' stone make. Waves crash upon the shores, the tide becoming erratic, falling from its natural ebb and flow commanded by the sky. Beneath one's boot, the soil seems to tremble and shake.
Surrounding the Tower of Aetius, Meranthe is in a state of unease. A state of change. Something shifts, something begins or perhaps.. something is coming to an end. Forever has it been a mystery, many things within the great structure that predates most everything here. Said mystery including the phenomena such as this.
[Image: 8ccd23a55ca63bf743ed28990e0358db.png?ex=...6bcd4d954&]
As the land and weather shift, elementals and spiritual creatures can be seen darting from the mountain, having escaped or been tossed from the floors they once called home. In foreign land, these creatures struggle to find themselves at ease. Often times relying on violence to preserve their safety.
[Image: W2JliWu.png]
Meanwhile, some have found homes in the more exotic locales of Meranthe. Telltale signs, whether it be extreme shifts in weather, natural flora being replaced by something new, or the fauna retreating from their ancestral homes in the face of invader. Many things can come to be, when these forces are unleashed upon a place previously devoid of such primal powers.
The runegates of roughly fifty and below have become free flowing, no longer sealed; spirit beasts continue to leave them in number, and the mystical energies of the Tower of Aetius is volatile, unstable. Change is on the horizon.

As new occupants claim dominion over the Tower of Aetius, the storm that rages overhead brought along by the great Spirit Beasts comes to its end. The creatures brought to one of the unstable runegates and sealed within while Eden grows.
But, such a solution is only temporary. And now that Eden stands, the threat looms. The great elemental storm has only grown within the runegate it was sealed in, the runes no longer stable enough to hold it. It leaks back to the Tower of Aetius, threatening to destroy what has just been built.
RISE gathers and prepares to head within, to deal with the threat. Once and for all.
[ Faction Wide Event ]
Thursday 10/12
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