RegalusCollection of Observations
Of Regalus

To learn of the past. To record the present. To witness the future. To take the world within my eyes. This is the ambition I set for myself and hold in highest regard.

At first, I wrote this Collection as a precaution. Too many times I've found myself at the mercy of my weakness. I hold no grudge against anyone and consider none enemies but the world likes to stand differently. The present is full of danger, of which I've no true confidence in completely living through. And yet... I still wish to see:

They, the great damnation, demons, witches and warlocks that threaten and warp creation. They, the hope, angels and saints, faiths and Gods which pierce the dark and shines a light to tomorrow. They, whose ambitions and passions of others as they shape the world around them. They, who die without so much a memory.

And so I write this book and hopefully, as Memoria sees, many more. Each person is blessed with a different world that only they see. Perhaps with this, though myself may be gone, I can share mine with others. Not only does writing is a way of me to organize and consolidate my thoughts, but so others may see this wonderful world I find so curious and interesting.

Oh Memoria, who embodies every stroke of a pen, witnesses every clash of sword, and sees every inspiration that drives humanity ever forward; give me the strength to witness your vision.
Of Winds

The element of change, freedom, and expression. It is that which drives howling storms, carves mountains, bends rivers, and feeds blazing fires. Where humanity walks does winds blow, witnessing and changing it's course but always blowing forward throughout Time.

Though Everlasting Gales surround and defend me,
so none may bound me.
Though Soaring Winds enshroud me,
holding me aloft to freedom's flight.
Though Shearing Tempests answer my call,
clearing the treacherous path ahead.
I've a long way to walk before I can wander freely,
to come and go as a fleeting breeze,
as an Everpresent Witness.
- 2075AC

Like a sail upon a boat
What use is freedom
Without wind
Without direction
It is but a cage
A lull upon the sea
And a ship stranded
You've freedom, yes
But what use is it
Without a choice to make
-2080 AC

The gales rose, tempests swirled.
and the breeze whispered onto me:
Lo and behold, I am of winds
And with but a breath
I split the Heavens and Earth
And severed Humanity from Divinity
With it, bequeathed those beneath the firmaments:
Freedom to rise above

They called thus strike
-2081 AC

High in the North, there lies a mountain
A hundred miles long and a hundred miles high
Once every thousand years do a little bird come
To this very mountain to sharpen its beak
When the mountain has thus been worn away
A single moment of eternity will have passed
-2087 AC

All the world continues on
The Sun shall rise
And the daily toil churn
Even should life meet demise
Like much passing wind
It Gives thought to those who cared
Naught to those who don't
And the world continues on
-2093 AC
Of Gods

The 6 Constants/Gods/Primals/Laws:

Amier of Space
Memoria of Time

Alacritas of Life
Mortyl of Death

Pylae of Hope
Hel of Despair

As a mortal, I cannot possibly comprehend the Divines, much less put such into writings. Perhaps none can truly put it into writing. Due to my ignorance, perhaps I can only just begin to understand their grand existence with a simple metaphor: That of a painting.

Alacritas provides the canvas of the universe, with which all things are placed.

Memoria is the movement and stroke of the brush, with which all things are painted.

Alacritas marks the begining and provides for growth and potential, breathing fresh colors and revitalizes the old.

Mortyl ensures the value of all, in which no life may be taken for granted and flourishes the end of each stroke.

Pylae gives reason and purpose for each streak of color, whether to reach for a grander image, a deeper mark in the greater picture, and other such ideal.


Hel is conflict and contrast, of passions done wrong, colors gone awry, or a mistaken impulse. One may see it as something to be erased, redone, or something that shouldn't be there but... also gives it meaning...?

Is it greater for one to be intrinsically good, or overcome evil and become good?
Could demons hope? Is hope not a facet of desire?

Perhaps as time goes on... I'll answer a bit more of these questions, correct misunderstandings, and formulate an increasingly more perfect answer...
One without bias and find reason if there's any to be found.

Oh how I wish to see the painting as a whole...

-2075 AC

Upon reading a text regarding Alacritas under Sve[omit]'s recommendation, three questions lie unanswered.
May Demons, Witches, Warlocks, and all of Hel's denizens... hope?
Humanity was created after harmony was set, as an outcome of Hel's invasion. What will happen to us if He were to ever face true defeat?
-2076 AC

After much clearance with Sve[omit], it is under the Four Dragons in which the material is created. In doing so, the 6 Constants were formed as authorities that set the laws of this physical world. As such, Hel could never face true defeat and the world locked in constant threat from it. To rid of Hel is to damn the order of the universe.

As for the first question... it remains unanswered.

The metaphor and simplified meaning of Gods remain standing.
-2076 AC
Of Magi

A beast wielding blood, bone, and occult magic. A swift opponent specializing in medium to close range attacks while having very little in the way of long range capabilities, except for a spell or two. Best kept at range, though doing so is a challenge in itself for it is a beast made for the chase.

Wielding time magic, and possibly either shadow or occult, as well as exceptional swordsmanship. Meticulous timing and skill usage is required as very few may match his speed and battlefield mobility. Skills which enroot or slow will even the battlefield, or an equivalent speed. Otherwise... there's few that could match him. Dangerous. Deceased.

Unknown, big sandworm:
A sandworm using sand. Assaults people from under the ground. Uses sand magic along with an unknown. Massive area and control spells, capable of rendering opponents immovable, self-immunity, and unleashing a torrent of attacks that cover the whole field. Largely dodgeable, close engagement is encouraged after immovable spells are known to have been used. Dead

Unknown, human, blue hair, no known allegiance:
Wielder of crystal magic, capable of several small area spells, raising crystals which boosts its user, and a massive wall of crystal that pursues enemies. So long as that massive wall is avoided, a hit and run stratagem would work best. Attempt to dissuade mage from using created crystals.

Unknown, giant woman, blonde hair:
A force of nature, quite literally. Boasting nature, blood magic, and perhaps poison magic, she is a troublesome foe. Skilled in blocking and taking damage. From vines which constantly harass you, homing attacks which chase you, a tree summon which heals her, and an invulnerability spell; the definition of troublesome. You will be forced to move constantly and move fast, staying medium-close range will do best. Attempt to dissuade from using the tree by maintaining pressure on the summon, as well as constant pressure on the wielder, retreating only to recover your own mana.

Unknown, human woman, a star-like object upon her head, black hair:
Cosmic and occult, an odd combination. The power of stars and corruption. Her magic is completely made of a variety of area attacks, barraging the field with damaging comet showers and corrupting occult areas. However, it is just that and straightforward too. Seemingly needing a large recovery time from casting these spells, once the initial burst is gone, a nonstop chase should be given, dodging only the most damaging of attacks.

Unknown, cambian(?)
Unarmed and occult, a fatal combination and unstoppable close-range. Claws which would tear out any armor and immediately shred any opponent that would face him close range. However, it is just that, close range. Out of that range and he is a sitting duck, slowly attempting to close on you. He has a few methods with which to close the gap, but neither fast nor plentiful. However, a moment is all it takes for him to turn a loss into a victory.

For the sake of privacy, I've removed the names :)

Crystal and nature magic, two annoying magics combining into something more annoying. Consistent sustain in form of crystal growths and the natural healing power of nature. Persistent natural summon constantly harass while crystal shards take care of anything that comes close. A selfsustaining combination, lacking outright weaknesses. However, only two spells are used to deter close range. Be wary when approaching, but once they are accounted for, chase without stop.

Shadow, armed, occult. A quick and powerful combination unparalleled in the art of the hunt, she dances unhindered by terrain. Any sort of long range attacks is forgone for the sake of the chase. Multiple spells and techniques for closing in ranges and extremely damaging close range spells. Any sort of spells which slow down enemies would be beneficial.

A mage of an unknown element. -fire?-
Plentiful of shortrange and medium range spells, but lack any sort of utility spells.

Demonic bat of occult, shadow, and wind(?)
Decent medium range capability. However, demonic entities follow him, harassing and holding down enemies for him to freely cast spells from afar unhindered. Not to mention a stunning spell to do that very same thing. A terror against any melee.

Unknown, woman
Sound magic, poison, and summons. Summons including a clone of herself. Does not seem to have many attacks outside of her summons. All spells seem to be meant to keep enemies away. Keep constantly moving to avoid her army of summons, bait out her own spells, and stick when possible.

Blood, shadow, occult(?). A man of extreme danger... and the father of [scratched out]. Extremely powerful, needing only a shovel to beat most other mages. Capable of prolonged fights and long range damage through blood magic while shadow magic handles the rest. Much like a certain drakan... but through an extreme level of refinement and mastery. A cold touch lies upon his fingers.

Note: This assessment is of him with but a shovel... he uses a scythe [Solomon?]. Overturns surrounding environment once wielded. Leave immediately.

Unknown, crazy woman
Mist, time, and gravity, shadow. A woman of questionable sanity and a myriad of magics. Excels at all ranges, except for short-range, however holds plentiful of spells that make it hard to so much as even approach her. From confusing fogs, to quick escapes from time and shadow... No known counter...

Unknown, male, fae
Mist, Ice, Blood. A close combat mage excelling in area denial and extraordinary endurance. It is exceptionally difficult to close ranges with the mage as the mist magic employed constantly block of crucial areas of the battlefield and access to him. However this magic is centered around him and does little long range. Any attempts that does indeed go through the barrier of mist and to his person would simply find their attacks miss, as the mage himself have turned into mist for a quick retreat, repeating the entire process. However, he is not defenseless in close combat or long range as both ice magic and blood magic supplement all other ranges, though not at the same intensity. Stay patient and find an opening.
Of Medicine

Alcohol used first, to clean affected area, bandages to prevent further cleaning and infection. Magic to clear out the occult.

Arcanium Trauma kits are of the preffered for most permanent injuries, as those often include severe damage to skeletal infrastructure. Arcanium implants are usable to replace such damaged structures as well as other properties.
Sve[omit] Medicine class 1:

Five essential rules of medicine:
1. Do No Harm.
2. Consider the patient dear to you
3. Prescribe regiments for the goodbeing of your patient.
4. Do not intervene in unknowledgeable situations.
5. Respect the secrecy of your patient

Lax essence may be used to numb pains.
Amputation necessary if limb unrecoverable or a spreading disease or illness that must not reach vital parts of the body.
Necrosis - Infection that kills biological matter (flesh, skin, etc.). A disease that can spread across limbs and kill along the way. If it reaches vital organs such as a heart, you are dead.

Soothing reed can help migraines.

White oil can heal dead wounds.

Magi have stronger immune systems and are more resilient, but should still be concerned regarding any injury.

Magi have active magical circuits, which lay dormant in those without magic. These circuits are lines which criss-cross about the human body. There are three main nodes of the magic circuits where most mana flow through: forehead, chest, and throat.

The node within the chest are used in symbolic casting. The use of feelings and emotions.
Throat are used for word casting.
The forehead used for rune casting, runes often used in artificing.

The fourth way is called visionary casting which employs the entirety of the circuit. Closing your eyes and focusing mana throughout oneself may allow one to see their own mana circuits.

Understanding of circuits is necessary to solve circuit related injuries

.'Keypoints - convergence points connecting circuits. Larger ones are called spirit keypoints. They are often closed, but once opened, allows for more connections.

At least 3000 lines of magical circuits. Hundreds are used for a simple cast.'

From there a new diagram, one... much significantly harder to draw... but it wasn't something too hard for him. After all, how could a wind mage have a hard time drawing a cloud.

'The orb within the chest. It is the soul. Souls are protected by divine power, cannot be touched unless by a similar power... such as Hel.

The clouds are essence, the life force in this world. It holds experience and memories. Holy, Faith, and Occult magic can affect someone's essence.

Holy and Occult attune to life essence, rather than magic circuitry. Holy from the goodwill and kindness of Angels, the will to protect. Occult from the sins and vices of demons, to destroy. Following these paths turns neutral lifestream into one of them instead.

Necromancy catches one's soul from the lifestream, forcing it to stay in the present in constant agony. Faith channel and weave through Lifestream to communicate with divines, their blessings strengthen mana or act as shield against the occult. Witchery take other's essences to create their own magic.

Every living being has a soul, including those of demons.

Essence naturally recovers. May be hindered through a severe curse. Wellspring, sound, wind, crystal, and such magic can help relieve such injuries until proper treatment.

*Though it has nothing to do with medicine, a little sidenote is made.*

Jiuweihu, deity of the Sun.

Pray to attune with your divine's tenets, link to divinity through Lifestream. Harmonize and develop connection.
---- 2077 AC

A Barfight occured. Na[omit] versus Al[omit] and Sa[omit] versus Ja[omit]. A complete loss. Al[omit] was lacerated from the shoulder down while Ja[omit] suffered from an occult mental curse and became subject to halucinations.

Though temporary, I aided the two with the few medical knowledge I had on hand along with a first aid kit.

Al[omit]'s laceration were first cleaned with alcohol pads. After cleaning, lax essence applied to numb the wound. Sutures come next to seal the wound. Lastly, gauze wrap to ensure cleanliness and stop any stray bleeding. Though it is enough for a normal and physical wound, it hardly did anything against the magic that was left, a true doctor required.

As for Ja[omit], I was able to help more due to Ol[omit]'s help. Under his guidance, I was able to see through Ja[omit]'s magic circuits and witness the occult corruption through his mind personally. Mana circuits darkened and tainted, a pulsating poison invading his body. From there, Ol[omit] suggested a number of ways:

*Cycle his mana using my own
*Accelerate mana to purge it
*Force his mana to disperse it

Though a holy magic purge would treat the corruption, there were no holy magi at hand.

I decided to use a different path. Occult magic is destructive by instinct, always choosing to destroy or corrupt. By linking weak and passive strings of mana to his mind, the corruption would seek it out over Ja[omit] resisting body.

After accepting a small portion of Ja[omit] corruption, at around the area of a pinky, I would sever the pathways and localize the small portion solely in my hand. This small bit of impurity is cleansed immediately afterwards. Care should be taken that not too much corruption is taken in that it can't be destroyed easily afterwards. It was done over and over again, until the corruption was no longer able to pass through the pathways I have made. From there, Ol[omit] took care of the rest.
-----2080 AC
Of Final Frontier

A silent yet welcoming place, though it gets quite active every now and then. It is the first area I have come to since arriving to Meranthe and where I eventually decided to settle. An area advanced in magitech artificing and ruled by a politic knows as the Institute. A desert is hardly curious but the people here are truly interesting.

[*scratched out*] and[*scratched out*], first two who I have met and of whom I owe a great debt. Whether or not they recognize said debt doesn't matter, my heart won't simply allow it. This too is a type of freedom, hehe.

I've lost count of how many times [*scratched out*] has healed me. Well... that's a lie. I know it's 5 at the time of writting but no matter, for future counts and dramatic effect, it's a lot. I've learned a little bit about aid from simply watching but it's only surface area, far from any kind of actual effective healing. I would love to learn medicine some time.

[*scratched out*] was the one who took me in, giving me a job when I had nothing. I was but a wanderer after all, I just forage for food. She treated me as her own child... and I believe I'm starting to respond equaly and I've begun to see her as my own parent...
Perhaps it's best not... I've done nothing but attract trouble.

[*scratched out*], two mechanical constructs, called here as golems... or at least they used to be. They posses as much, if not more, consciousness as anyone else.
... At what point does technology become life? What could give it life? Do they have souls?

More questions than I can put on paper... or at the very least what I have now. Perhaps a whole separate book on them.

[*scratched out*], [*scratched out*] adopted kids.[*scratched out*] claims he's not but he basically is. I consider them my brothers. Even have a little plushie of[*scratched out*]. I said I'll sell it if he becomes popular but I won't. Of everyone and everything I wish to witness and see in this world, their future is one of my greatest curiosities.

The Tree of Solais. A grand tree that projects health and vitality. It suppresses much of my occult injuries. I've not known about it long... or enough. I'll ask about it. A friendly woman named Azalea seems quite close to it.

[*scratched out*] is in fact, close to it. Or rather she is intertwined and the two may be considered one and the same. I should ask for more stories about it, perhaps after the sermon...


Eleos Lux Aurea in Hibernation.
Azalea Aubreen, Hamadryad of Solais.'

Solais cannot be reproduced. Solais protects agains the Fel.

15 years ago, there was war against the Frontier.

Of Dal'Thala

Quite possibly the largest city within Meranthe, though it may be contested against Aphros. A city bordering the northern shores of the mainland, mostly populated by fae/faeries. A healthy breeze flows through the heavily wooded city as small gardens are placed throughout, never too far away from nature. A lovely, wellkept city though lacking much in the way of interest, simply being an area of housing.


An odd tree found, whose pathway may be found within Dal'thala's forests. It's branches seem to reach up to the sky as the roots dig deep within earth. It's white trunk resplended throughout time.

I feel a connection with something... divine as I touch it. As if it leads somewhere beyond this world...


Finally got around visiting Nereides, the northernmost district of Dal'thala. Separated by seas, I've put off visiting it for a long time. A beautiful, small, and rocky archipelago, it is completely pristine with nature. The wind and waves sing songs of the oceans, falling silent as they come onto land. A small population of Sirenians make up nigh all of the residents.

Though undeveloped, perhaps it's beauty is best maintained that way.

Near the borders of Dal'thala, atop an Observatory and northwest of the Chobinsoup tower...

Upon that hollow and mushrooms does my brother, Acero, lie forevermore.

Perhaps as a result of the lack of Aphros, or simply a matter of the changes in human population but it seems... Dal'thala have received much new life and activity. Each day seems to be bustling in activity and joy. People talking and enjoying conversations happily and peacefully. There is never not a group in lively chatter amongst each other, discussing about some mundanity or other things. It is joyous to witness...

... It's a little envious truth be told...

Humans aren't made for loneliness...
Of Sheol(duplicate)

Sheol, a lovely place situated in the middle of a lively forrest. Vibrant orange bushes decorate it's houses as a dark tower looms above.

The people here... are the same as those outside. To themselves, at the very least; their xenophobia and sadism is unmatched. Harsh and cruel words decorate their conversation, but only to spurn each others growth. But they are still a community that comes together, a rose bush guarded by severe thorns.

From the view of a guest and observer, they do not deserve extermination, as is oft proclaimed outside of their borders. Not mindless beast, continuously clawing to more power at the cost of everything else, nor machines of murder seeking to destroy anything that isn't themselves. Though admittedly, they come a little close.
Tthey're every bit as civilized as the most civilized city there is.

But alas, I'm neither. I am a prisoner, subject to the same lack of care as other outsiders, and now... an experiment. My morbid curiosity and survival instincts are quite at odds funnily enough.

May the wind take me where it will, and that I live to see it.

-2074 AC

*The original note lost to my captor at the time, [*scratched out*]. Written should I been irrevocably changed, in one way or another. I was captured and held for an experiment.

After a secondary 'session' of visits, I was finally granted an audience with U[omit]... in which I apparently angered her and I was thus ousted from Sheol. Nonetheless, my opinion remains...

The beautiful and domineering U[omit] who quite frankly scares the Hel out of me. The ravageous and sharp E[omit], looking at me like grilled rare steak. Azrail's small luminescence that go against the color scheme of everyone here, except A[omit]. Always acting like a fool but seems to hide intelect far beyond my understanding... perhaps. Sa[omit], who I holds great interest in, especially so after meeting Fa[omit]. Nevermore/Olivia, whose feat of survival interests me greatly so. Na[omit] who has changed so much yet remained still herself. The worn yet victorious warriors who had come back in revelry.

The setting. The crisp blue fountain that is so out of place yet so fittingly there. The bright orange bushes that stand so arrogantly out from the foliage. The bewitching woods of a myriad shades of purples. The towering fort, whose very presence seem to be sucking his spirit out of myself.

A community in eternal revelry, entangling about itself like none other. A sadistic and masochistic lust with itself, an outsider may say. But I dare object, there is something endearing in them in some far off way...

It's a little envious truth be told. I've never had such a thing... but from what I've seen, it looks... nice.
------- 2078 AC
Of Aphros

A massive city located at the very edge of the fel lands, Aphros could be said to be the very bastion at the border between the life and death of humanity. This is very well reflected in their culture and religion. Symbols and banners of white and black adorn this city, focusing on the redemption of evil rather than its outright extermination (with exceptions, heh). Solid and beautiful stone masoned buildings sprawl the busy city, lying upon tri-color shade of grass.

A significant part of Aphros seem to be dedicated to their military, a necessity concidering who they share their borders with. It can be clearly seen with the constant sparing around the city as well as the common battles they do with the fel not far off their borders. With the undeniable importance of this country, various rumors of a special clan of assassins, and a martial-focused religion, their might is not to be underestimated.

Their main religion is known as Aspera, focusing on the worship of Athelios, the warden. Fitting for the city's role. They're main duty is to guard against the fel.

The unique color of its landscape is due to being at the border of the corrupted fel lands which taints the land in a haunting purple and the normal green prairies.

It is one of the few cities which allow the practice of occultism within its borders.

--------- 2076 AC

Blood Fel Islands formerly belonged to Aphros as a Vassal State.

-------- 2078 AC

Vera Cruz district was destroyed in the aftermath of a siege against Aphros in 2082 AC. With it's main cathedral and the entire part of the city burnt and in ruins. The siege resulted in many deaths on both sides. Further reassesment of their military as well as Skarnfel required.

Of Dawnstone
A grand castle town placed upon a plateau above high cliffs, overlooking the seas north of Meranthe. A bastion situated at a strategic area of the seas between Dal'thala and Final Frontier.

Should the mainland fall to the fel, it is a great place for a final fortress for humanity.

Drakanites make their home here, holding the largest percentage of the population. Spars and fights are often practiced, making sure each of them are a force to be reckoned with; as expected of the decendants of Dragons.

Rumors of mind worms come about...

------------- 2079 AC

Their king, Ludmaz Dawnseeker has betrayed humanity and handed over his kingdom to the Fel. Certain parts of the kingdom, as well as the royal family, had rebelled as well as Aphros mobilizing their forces to take back Dawnstone.

However, after suffering a crushing defeat not a year before at the hands of Skarnfel, along with that very same entity's reinforcements to Dawnstone... it is a poor chance it'll ever succeed.

-------------2083 AC
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